Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring is Here!

     It's that time of year or at least it seems to be--you know--Spring Fever is in the air and as this epidemic spreads to cover the earth as spring rolls from hemisphere to hemisphere it is inevitable that someone you know will catch it! 
     The side effects include:  delusions of grandeur brought on by falsified or romanticized memories; unsolicited/unexpected calls; unannounced appearances; embarrassing/ unwarranted conversations from random and/or virtual strangers, etc.
     This being said I am sure you know where I am going with this post!  I swear I don't even pay attention to the Groundhog, I just wait for Spring Fever to hit and I know without a doubt that Spring is truly here!  Always (it seems) without fail I get the most random messages, calls and queries.  Sometimes I am just a fleeting thought that they are curious about, but other times (especially now) they call to check on my availability (like a hotel :p).  Either way, they always surprise me (hard to believe when I track the seasons by them, but they do none the less).  Some wish an accord (nothing along the serious line, but along the "fun" line) others want to stake a claim to a lifetime (Hard to believe someone would want to marry a divorcee, right?)!  (Now I know I am not the only woman who goes through this (maybe I need a girl pow-wow), like know for a fact and that is the main reason why I am posting this.)
     Anyway, as the propositions start coming in it is hard for me not to cut and run.  But to do this would be cruel and unfair.  Knowing this I try to give their requests consideration because I would want someone to do the same for me.  Yet, it can become overwhelming and most of the time I don't know how I feel about it.  It is like am listening to a news story about some extreme space explorer that desires to travel to the moon!  Impossible, will never happen, yet  as I continue to watch I see that it is (my mother always told me to never say never).  Yeah I just can't believe it sometimes--most times.  When someone lays something that unexpected and rather heavy  in my lap it is going to take awhile to process it, figure out exactly what I think and how I feel... I wish I could snap my fingers and have all the answers--oh well!
     Until another time kiddies, I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind.

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