Saturday, March 30, 2013

Forget April Showers, Just Remember Flowers

     I am really starting to wonder if guys have forgotten the simple joy (and benefits) of giving flowers to their girls?  Why is it now acceptable to only give flowers on special occasions?  Birthdays, anniversaries, certain holidays, outside of those occasions why do guys not give flowers anymore?  I believe that when women reach a certain age and you are at *that* point in your relationship (where those three little words are a solid and undeniable fact) that she should get fresh flowers every week.  I mean it really does depend on your girl, whether or not she is a "flower" type of girl, but for those of you who know for a fact that your girl is, why don't you? 
    I have quite a few girlfriends who really do enjoy flowers and it is both sad and funny that when they do receive them from their significant others the first thing we ask is, "What did he do/what is he apologizing for/is it your anniversary?".  Guys, step it up!  Has the state of romancing your girl become so sad that when you do something sweet and thoughtful, like sending her flowers, the first assumption is that it is to absolve you of something or it is a special occasion?  What's worse is there is rarely a time that we are ever wrong with these assumptions.  Never once do we ask and the answer is, "just because", which it truly should be more often than not.  Think about it, if we wasted our time waiting for special occasions to do something nice for each other then there will be very few memories made.  Seriously!  Is being given another day with the one you love not reason enough?
     If you feel like you are ill qualified to choose them yourself then ask her or watch her and see what her favorite kinds are.  If she isn't a flower girl then find something else she enjoys, movies, books, music, food, desserts, SOMETHING and (just because) surprise her with it once a week.  A little surprise to get her through the rest of the week or just because you saw it and thought of her will benefit you both.  It doesn't (yet again) have to be something big or super expensive, all it has to be is thoughtful.  Give it some thought guys (even though you know I am right)because sometimes you need some time for "advice" to sink in.
     Until another time I wish you all, love and happiness of the truest kind.

*See examples below of an outstanding bouquet that a very lucky nurse received today! (Note:  They do not have to be as spectacular all of the time, but hot d*mn the ladies were drooling over this)*

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