We are two women wanting to make a difference--two friends--sharing one blog; that we hope will encourage everyone to live on a higher level and find their own greatness! We have a desire to inspire our generation back to the former glory of the generations that came before us. But, most importantly to let others know even though our journeys are different, we are never alone! So--We invite you to rise with us by opening your minds and hearts! Happy Reading!
Friday, August 30, 2013
I Just Need You!
I know when I find myself in such a situation the only thing I truly want to do is throw myself on the floor bawling my eyes out, kicking and screaming (and throwing things) because I feel like, I try to be self reliant, but when I need my Haven--I NEED MY HAVEN! It is difficult to be the adult that I am when I want nothing more than to be a bratty, baby about it all! Maybe I should fuss and yell because when I need my Rock no one else will suffice! I mean I need my Haven to cuddle, comfort and kiss me! And even though I love Nessie like a sister she just can't fulfill that role--especially not in that way! Sometimes the soothing balm of your Haven, the comfort of those arms and that voice are the only things needed to help settle the winds and diminish the fury of the storm you are trying to weather through. It is impossible to be that kind of physical comfort for yourself.
Even though your rock may be the catalyst for the substantial rise of an already bleak and devastating storm this may be all (and most surely is) unintentional. This is why I truly urge people to realize if they are some one's Rock/Haven and what that means. Even though we are all adults and life happens and we may not always be able to be there for someone in a physical way--be there for them emotionally or make reparations for faltering. Because, if I am being quite honest, the hurt of being abandoned by your Rock/Haven is a hurt that runs deep within the heart. It is an ache that is both physical and emotional and it is a hurt that is difficult to mend. It causes a crack in the foundation of your relationship and shakes the trust and surety that you have spent so much time and energy to construct.
Don't hesitate to let them know exactly how their absence affected you. But do not speak out of a place of hurt that would negatively affect your Rock/Haven. Remember all the times that your Rock/Haven has been there for you. And also remember that none of us are perfect, but as long as your Rock/Haven does their best and tries with all of their heart to be there for/with you to help you when you need them--that is what is important.
Well Lovelies, that is all I have for now. Until another time I wish you Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
I am Boy-Girl
Yes, I admit it, I am a Boy-Girl! A Boy-Girl you wonder? No I am not a transgender person. And shout out to all those who are following their hearts and being who they are, regardless of what others think! But I am a girl who, for the most part, thinks and acts like a guy. From relationships to sex and humor, I have a tendency to side with the more masculine side of things.
This revelation came from a simple conversation with Marissa. I was telling her how funny I thought her Hunny was. And to his credit, he is quite funny! She on the other hand, did not completely agree with me. And after more talking, I admitted that I am attracted to the witty, sarcastic, ass-hole type of guy. Probably because I find their humor similar to mine, and making me laugh is the way to this girls heart! To this, MarMar told me I was such a dude! Though she has said this before, this time I really listened (boy-trait). I just agreed with her and kind of moved on.
Months later, after yet another love life conversation, it was discovered that I was a guy in my approach to my relationships. I have a tendency to kindly demand what I want. I am not the best listener. I am a little one-track-minded. I don't listen. I am a sex hound. Oh did I mention I don't listen well? Shameful, I know! But, I have been fortunate to find a man who doesn't mind all of boyish tings I do! In fact, he even brings out my hidden girlish side, which I really never ever show!
So I am embracing my boyish ways! I am beautiful, but don't mind getting dirty and sweaty. I am funny and love to laugh, though my sense of humor is a bit ass-holey and crude. I love full-heartily and I am very loyal, yet I may not fully listen to everything you say! I would like to think that I am pretty perfect (not in a conceded way), because I stay true to myself. Can you say the same?
Until next time,
Finess... A Boy-Girl
Monday, August 19, 2013
My 30 Year Old Self
By the time I finally hit thirty I had come to understand and accept that control is an illusion; everything happens for a reason (and I mean EVERYTHING); and that even the best laid plans do not always come to fruition. I also came to terms with the fact that I will always miss my twenty-year old body and I can NEVER have it again. But, seriously, reminiscing about what I thought my life would be like at thirty and how it truly is--is both humorous and disappointing as well.
I know that I am not the only person to feel like this. And although I have finally found a path of acceptance and understanding a small part of me would have liked to have fulfilled at least one goal on that intricate and well detailed time line I wrote out in my high school notebook. Even if it was to be married with a couple of kids by twenty-eight or a successfully established author by thirty (hey I am knocking on thirty-one and still haven't gotten my first, 'yes', yet) a little something checked off would make me feel less--disappointing. Yet, all of those nagging "disappointments" that have remained on that sheet of notebook paper raise a more important question: Would I be who I am had I already checked off those boxes?
Would I love the way that I do without going through the trials and tribulations that I have survived? Would I know how to survive failure without having failed? Would I be able to empathize with others--understand the importance of defending the meek as well as myself--if I had never suffered, never had to fight? If my path didn't take me through the darkness would I be able to understand and appreciate the light? If I had been able to check off some of those boxes I probably wouldn't have had half of the experiences or opportunities I have had. Nor would I have half of the memories or the people that I love so dearly in my life either.
I am thirty and although I didn't think this is where I was going to be at thirty--I am happy to be here. I have made it through three decades of heart ache, pain, growth, achievement and--adventure! I am still full of life and light--despite the little bit of darkness--and although I am no longer sparkly and new, I have aged beautifully. Every crack, bit of discoloration, every flaw is a testament to my resilience, my ability to adapt and survive and not lose--me! I may not be where I planned, but I am proud of who I am and being able to say that I am still making it. And obviously whatever God has planned for me is better than what I had planned for myself.
Well, that's all I have for tonight! Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
That is no way to live--at least I believe it isn't. Living that way, losing (or sacrificing) your will--your voice--for the sake of others, how can anyone really call that living? There are many reasons why people feel obligated. Sometimes people get hung up on titles (familial, social, occupational, ect.) and the expectations that come with them. They also believe that they fail at who they are if they do not fulfill every aspect of every role and expectation laid upon them. They do not understand that this way--this life--will break and corrupt them. One isn't bad, disrespectful or a failure if they have their own thoughts, feelings and desires! Nor are they any of those things if they want to (and choose to) explore and/or act on those natural feelings and desires inside of them.
I cry for those who allow themselves to be and remain so enslaved. I hope and pray that soon they will see the light, the truth and set themselves free before all they are left with are an empty heart and regrets. I encourage those of you still trudging along the road of obligation to find your own path, the better path, for when you leave obligation behind and live for your heart and happiness only then can you not only live for yourself, but for others as well. Without obligation to bind you, what you chose to do (or not do) is completely sincere--the choice and the desire are pure. Within this pureness of thought and deed there is a more complete joy in helping others as well as a simultaneous fulfillment in being not only who they need, but who you want to be. Eliminating obligation isn't easy, but then very few things in life are. It is difficult to break a mindset or unhealthy cycle, but is not your life--your very happiness--worth it?
Just some food for thought, until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Unlike most people I am not a fan solely because of the movies, but because of the books. You see quite a few years ago (I am showing my age again) when my youngest brother was terribly young his friends started reading a "new" series called Harry Potter. My mom, not willing to purchase anything she didn't know about for consumption (of any kind) by her children, bought the book and gave it to me to "preview" for him. From the first page of the first chapter of the Goblet of Fire (I read the books out of order(not by choice I hate doing that)) I was hooked! Once I gave the ok, Matty got to read them and since I never start a series and not finish it, so did I! And with that--one by one we all fell in love with HP.
From a literary stand point it was one of the most engaging, creative, well written YA novels I had ever had the pleasure of devouring (as most of you know each book is longer than the last). The movies just added to the absolute affinity I had to the franchise by bringing the characters, the world, we adored to life. I cried when we lost Sirius and Dumbledore and even more when we lost Severus. I cheered when Hermoine punched Draco and when Ron found his conviction and subsequently his way back to Harry and Hermoine. I rooted for Mrs. Weasley when she killed Bellatrix and prayed for Harry during his final battle with Voldemort.
I don't care how old I am or who knows it--I am proud to say I am a potterhead! And I know I will share this franchise (books first) with my own children. For a story that promotes love, intelligence, leadership, hope and friendship is one to appreciate and spread for many years to come! (If you haven't read it I recommend it, if you can't already tell!) So let's hear it for the potterheads--the generation that has grown to know that the word ALWAYS carries the same power and importance as LOVE!
Until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
The Approach
The other night as I was clocking out from work I had some random, creepy dude literally invade my bubble (to the point where I couldn't swipe my badge without bumping into him) asking, "What your name is?" Ummm--SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I couldn't refrain from giving him my patented "eat sh*t and die--you lowbrow, slovenly, pathetic boy" look while replying with a completely disdainful, "Excuse me?"! (If I weren't at work I would have popped off and acted a monkey, but I had to maintain some sort of professionalism). Needless to say (the combination of both which can not be translated with only words) worked with sheer perfection as he backed off quite quickly, but why do I even have to do all of that in the first place? What is unfortunate is that this is not the first (and I am pretty sure not the last) incident of its kind that I have experienced AND I am not the only woman who has stories like this either!
There is a reason why people say that first impressions are the most important, most lasting. Your first impression sets the tone for how you not only present yourself, but how you are received by others as well. So, I ask this question: If you KNOW that your first impression is the most important then why in the HELL do guys (9 out of 10 times) approach women in the most incorrect of ways? (I said guys not MEN!) I am a woman not a twelve year old girl! The random, "Hey Shorty!"; "Hey Red"; "What your name..."; "Can I come home with you?" is disrespectful, disgusting, immature and pathetic. You paint yourself as being thirsty, classless, uneducated and stagnant. Why in the world would or can you think that any approaches like that would work?!?!?!? And what makes matters worse when they don't work you don't look at YOURSELF to see how you can improve, oh no, you look at women and call them "stuck up", "b*tches" or "hoes" (or worse). NEWSFLASH for you--good, mature, well balanced and accomplished women don't LOWER their standards nor will they--let alone for you.
Or if you don't blame women you end up blaming men! You look at MEN (I said men, not boys or guys) who have their lives together and present themselves well and think that the only reason a woman will date or marry them is because of their job, house or car. No my friend that isn't true at all because if you had all of the same accouterments 'he' did, but you were still you--you still wouldn't get the time of day. Real Men know the importance of, "Excuse me Miss..."; "How are you today?"; "I just wanted to say you look beautiful..." AKA: the polite, mature approach! Think about it, all the world isn't wrong and you right. If you aren't getting the results you want it is time for you to take a break and reassess yourself! I know I am tired of the most wrong of wrong approaches aren't you getting tired of presenting them!
It just makes me wonder, how and why any guy would think that he could present himself in such a way and get a positive result. What makes me wonder more is what kind of girls are out there accepting this nonsense and subsequently reinforcing such bad habits. Well, that is all I have for tonight. I guess Finess and I both needed to vent a little. Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
Cheaters, Game Players, and Dogs
Really… Just Really… You are so for real with me right now. This is all I can think of when I get foolishness from men. Being single, I come across a multitude of cheaters, game players, and downright dogs. I am here to offer a P.S.A… MEN GROW UP and MAN UP, the foolishness is not cute! We are women, we play your game better (most non- ratchet, worth-while women), and everything you do in the dark comes to light! Hasn’t Tyler Perry made enough movies and plays to show you!
Cheater, come on now! You claim you have a girl that you love and will die for, yet you asked for my number, flirt with me, and want to take me out. And you don’t see any harm in that? We’re just friends right? Wrong BooBoo! You are a cheater! You think your honestly to the new girl about your relationship makes it alright, but it’s not! You are giving time, money, and energy to a woman other than the one you “committed” yourself to. Sooo instead of calling my phone trying to get something started, call your girl, Cuz child I’m not the one! Grow Up!
Game Players, boy you guys work my last nerve! Why do you feel the need to play with women’s emotion? In your case, just be honest with your intentions, this is what Real Men do! You don’t have to make her feel like she is the “one” for you if you just want to sleep with her. Just come out and say it! Trust me, there are plenty of females (especially in ATL) that will give it, no strings attached, right off the back. Playing games are for children, and we have moved past that stage years ago. Be honest whether it hurts or not. Say what you mean, do what you say. And for the love of God, please stop living off these women! It is not attractive at all to have your date /girl to pay for everything. If you are down on your luck, be a man, have some pride and self-respect; go do what you have to do to provide for your woman, instead of spending your day, while she is at work, smoking and playing X-Box. It’s time to grow a pair, and Man Up, leave the games for children.
Dogs, ya’ll are the worst! You let your own insecurities get the better of you, and instead of dealing with them, you lash out in emotional, physical, and verbal abuse. You need to really to take time to address your issues, because you, yes YOU, destroy families! You don’t feel like a man (I get it, I understand), but what gives you the right to release your frustration out on that amazing woman that you were lucky to find! It starts out small, little things; you may call her a name here and there. Then in your eyes she becomes a worthless son of a so-n-so who will isn’t worth loving, until you finally hit her. You sir are the lowest of the low in my option. Get Help, talk to other men (Real Men) to sort out your feelings, pray, whatever you have to resolve your issues. By acting this way you are hurting the one who loves you the most and that is NEVER acceptable. She should be always being treated with your highest respect and love, especially if she has blessed you with a child. Get It Together!
It seems like I’m harping on men (I am), but ladies we too carry fault in this matter. Always remember… He will treat you how you allow him to! Marinate on that one!
Until next time, try to stay far, far away from these men,
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Inter-Cultural Dating
Coming from another culture, myself, I have had quite a few dating experiences that were less than savory. You see, I come from a Matriarch. The head of my family is my grandmother (the light of my life and my world). She is the one who is present for the birth of practically every grandchild; to give her blessing to marriages and new homes; she is the spiritual compass and source of wisdom for us all. Her home is where we gather for major holidays and events that affect us as a family. I was raised calling elders, 'Mr.'; 'Ms'; 'Aunt' or 'Uncle' because these are titles of respect. And that Sundays are a day reserved for family--for dinner and conversations, movies and games. It was the day of the week where we spend time together, catch up and remember to enjoy those whom we love so much. This, my family structure and the way I was raised, are all parts of my culture that I can't (nor would I if I could) change.

Honestly it can be so much fun experiencing and being a part of another culture. Hunny's culture has some similarities to mine own, but there are differences as well and I love them. I love learning about, exploring, and experiencing the differences. And he is the same way with me. His acceptance, appreciation and understanding (I know you are tired of those three words, but repetition is the key to memory) makes me feel so secure, free and loved! Everyone deserves to feel this way--all of the wonderful feelings that come from being with someone who genuinely loves you and what makes you, you. Remember, take your time and consider what an Inter-cultural relationship is and what it requires.
Until another time I wish you Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
Dating--On a Budget

First you have to dispel the misconception that you need to spend a lot of money to have fun on dates because that simply isn't true. The economic status of America is a double edged sword. We did have to cut back, but not just us. A lot of companies had to cut back as well which means that unusual and unexpected deals are now a regular phenomenon. Great sites like groupon (which gives you an opportunity to buy in on great deals) and pinterest (which can help you with ideas and orchestration of fun, memorable, dates) are a great starting point for anyone who wants or needs help planning something fun, special, but affordable. There are a lot of other great websites and blogs (and let's not forget friends) that you can go to for ideas and information as well. If there is a specific place or attraction you want to take your significant other to you can always save up for it and check out the attraction website because they have great deals on their "slow" days that will work to your favor.

Well that is all I have for now! Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Inside My World

Being so involved in their world(s) is what makes writer's block so brutal. Personally, it makes me feel like a failure and not just to myself, but to the characters that live and breathe within their perspective realms. Nothing is more frustrating than leaving a world in limbo because I can't seem to do them justice. Honestly, I can get lost in those worlds when I am writing. I bask beneath the velvety night skies and four moons glistening in brilliant metallic colors; I walk through the great, vast, forests and soft velvety glades--listening, watching them as they live their lives. These worlds are as real to me as the one I inhabit on a daily basis and best of all they are all mine.
I could spend an entire lifetime trying to explain, but (to a degree) unless you have experienced this you will never truly understand. But in this case, understanding is not key--no--but, appreciating is. I believe one day that someone will say 'yes', and my books will fill shelves and Barnes and Noble and have the notoriety of Hamilton or Small. Someday my world(s) will be out there for all to dive into, absorb and live in at least until they finish reading. Until then I shall continue to work on bringing them to life, giving them immortality on pages, instead of the secretive existence they unfortunately dwell in now.
Well, that's just a little taste of what goes on inside my head. Until another time, I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Love Today
Thursday, August 1, 2013
From Within

At the end of the day our eyes can only see the most superficial and mutable details of a person. Our eyes can not see their spirit--their soul. Our eyes can not help us understand or know the person they truly are. With our eyes we can not see nor understand their goodness, darkness, nor their intentions. But with our hearts we can get to know people as they are and not how we see them. Our hearts should be our "eyes" for our hearts see the beauty--goodness--that can not be seen; the gentility--fragility--sensitivity that is concealed and the brilliance of a loving and generous heart that is misunderstood.
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we no longer judged or assumed to know someone based on what they looked like or by any of the other preconceived societal categories that allow us to limit our natural human connections? The possibilities would be limitless--our lives infinitely better--but that is only my humble speculation. Well, lovelies, I have said more than enough for one night and I feel sleep drawing me back into his arms and I most happy to acquiesce. Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.