As most of you know (or maybe don't) one of the major goals of my life is to be a successful published author (successful, not famous). And after talking to Hunny and Finess, I thought that I would take y'all on a little trip to the world inside of my head. Ok--that sounded a little off, but I didn't mean it in the, "I am a psycho come on a psychedelic trip with me", but more of a, "I am a writer, allow me to give you a taste of my world", type of way.
Writers don't think like other people, or rather I should speak for fictional/fantasy writers--let me begin again. Fantasy/Fiction writers do not think like non-writers. The worlds we create are already alive, rotating, evolving, existing in our minds and they never end or stop until their story is told or sometimes, not even then (helllloooo trilogies/series)! We see everything about those worlds and the people who live in them. We get to know them, their looks; voices; hearts and souls--all of them. We talk to them, with and about them. Even when we write their fate (not always knowing the outcome until the words are put upon the page) we cry for and with them. They are wholly a part of who I am and yet, they are their own beings simultaneously.
Being so involved in their world(s) is what makes writer's block so brutal. Personally, it makes me feel like a failure and not just to myself, but to the characters that live and breathe within their perspective realms. Nothing is more frustrating than leaving a world in limbo because I can't seem to do them justice. Honestly, I can get lost in those worlds when I am writing. I bask beneath the velvety night skies and four moons glistening in brilliant metallic colors; I walk through the great, vast, forests and soft velvety glades--listening, watching them as they live their lives. These worlds are as real to me as the one I inhabit on a daily basis and best of all they are all mine.
I could spend an entire lifetime trying to explain, but (to a degree) unless you have experienced this you will never truly understand. But in this case, understanding is not key--no--but, appreciating is. I believe one day that someone will say 'yes', and my books will fill shelves and Barnes and Noble and have the notoriety of Hamilton or Small. Someday my world(s) will be out there for all to dive into, absorb and live in at least until they finish reading. Until then I shall continue to work on bringing them to life, giving them immortality on pages, instead of the secretive existence they unfortunately dwell in now.
Well, that's just a little taste of what goes on inside my head. Until another time, I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!

Being so involved in their world(s) is what makes writer's block so brutal. Personally, it makes me feel like a failure and not just to myself, but to the characters that live and breathe within their perspective realms. Nothing is more frustrating than leaving a world in limbo because I can't seem to do them justice. Honestly, I can get lost in those worlds when I am writing. I bask beneath the velvety night skies and four moons glistening in brilliant metallic colors; I walk through the great, vast, forests and soft velvety glades--listening, watching them as they live their lives. These worlds are as real to me as the one I inhabit on a daily basis and best of all they are all mine.
I could spend an entire lifetime trying to explain, but (to a degree) unless you have experienced this you will never truly understand. But in this case, understanding is not key--no--but, appreciating is. I believe one day that someone will say 'yes', and my books will fill shelves and Barnes and Noble and have the notoriety of Hamilton or Small. Someday my world(s) will be out there for all to dive into, absorb and live in at least until they finish reading. Until then I shall continue to work on bringing them to life, giving them immortality on pages, instead of the secretive existence they unfortunately dwell in now.
Well, that's just a little taste of what goes on inside my head. Until another time, I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
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