Saturday, August 17, 2013


     Obligation--what a funny thing it is.  Funny--and dangerous.  Obligation is the father of disappointment, unfulfillment, caprice, and a myriad of other unsavory attributes, emotions and states of being.  Maybe that is why, a long time ago, I decided to forgo the road of obligation.  I discovered (in some of the most difficult of ways) that when you live your life within the realm of obligation nothing you do is sincere; you are trapped by the obligation you manifest (or succumb to) and it slowly kills the person you are.  How can one live life and fulfill their heart's desires, their own expectations or achieve happiness if one is a slave to others?     
     That is no way to live--at least I believe it isn't.  Living that way, losing (or sacrificing) your will--your voice--for the sake of others, how can anyone really call that living?  There are many reasons why people feel obligated.  Sometimes people get hung up on titles (familial, social, occupational, ect.) and the expectations that come with them.  They also believe that they fail at who they are if they do not fulfill every aspect of every role and expectation laid upon them.  They do not understand that this way--this life--will break and corrupt them.  One isn't bad, disrespectful or a failure if they have their own thoughts, feelings and desires!  Nor are they any of those things if they want to (and choose to) explore and/or act on those natural feelings and desires inside of them.
     I cry for those who allow themselves to be and remain so enslaved.  I hope and pray that soon they will see the light, the truth and set themselves free before all they are left with are an empty heart and regrets.  I encourage those of you still trudging along the road of obligation to find your own path, the better path, for when you leave obligation behind and live for your heart and happiness only then can you not only live for yourself, but for others as well.  Without obligation to bind you, what you chose to do (or not do) is completely sincere--the choice and the desire are pure.  Within this pureness of thought and deed there is a more complete joy in helping others as well as a simultaneous fulfillment in being not only who they need, but who you want to be.  Eliminating obligation isn't easy, but then very few things in life are.  It is difficult to break a mindset or unhealthy cycle, but is not your life--your very happiness--worth it?
     Just some food for thought, until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.

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