I believe that God puts people in our lives for a season, reason or a lifetime. Some of these people become our Rocks---our Safe Havens. They become our physical refuge in times of trouble and tribulation. We all have that one person in our life that fulfills this roll. And when the storms start to build and we begin to feel ourselves being pushed further out into the dark abyss we turn to our Rocks. But there are times when our Rocks--our Safe Havens--aren't available. And when that happens it perpetuates the negative emotions, thoughts and atmosphere that we were trying to find solace from to begin with. It really adds to the feeling of isolation, frustration and sadness quite exponentially.
I know when I find myself in such a situation the only thing I truly want to do is throw myself on the floor bawling my eyes out, kicking and screaming (and throwing things) because I feel like, I try to be self reliant, but when I need my Haven--I NEED MY HAVEN! It is difficult to be the adult that I am when I want nothing more than to be a bratty, baby about it all! Maybe I should fuss and yell because when I need my Rock no one else will suffice! I mean I need my Haven to cuddle, comfort and kiss me! And even though I love Nessie like a sister she just can't fulfill that role--especially not in that way! Sometimes the soothing balm of your Haven, the comfort of those arms and that voice are the only things needed to help settle the winds and diminish the fury of the storm you are trying to weather through. It is impossible to be that kind of physical comfort for yourself.
your rock may be the catalyst for the substantial rise of an already
bleak and devastating storm this may be all (and most surely is)
unintentional. This is why I
truly urge people to realize if they are some one's Rock/Haven and what
that means. Even though we are all adults and life happens and we may
not always be able to be there for someone in a physical way--be there
for them emotionally or make reparations for faltering. Because, if I
am being quite honest, the hurt of being abandoned by your Rock/Haven is
a hurt that runs deep within the heart. It is an ache that is both
physical and emotional and it is a hurt that is difficult to mend. It
causes a crack in the foundation of your relationship and shakes the
trust and surety that you have spent so much time and energy to
Don't hesitate to let them know exactly how their
absence affected you. But do not speak out of a place of hurt that
would negatively affect your Rock/Haven. Remember all the times that
your Rock/Haven has been there for you. And also remember that none of
us are perfect, but as long as your Rock/Haven does their best and tries
with all of their heart to be there for/with you to help you when you
need them--that is what is important.
Well Lovelies, that is all I have for now. Until another time I wish you Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
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