Thursday, April 25, 2013

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

      As most of you either know or gather by now, I work in a hospital--you may NOT know how many super heroes I work with on a daily basis.  (No, I am not talking about the M.D.'s, either.)  I am talking about the R.N.'s and PCT's!  They are the unsung heroes of the hospital.  These are the people on the front line dealing with explosive diarrhea and vomiting; placing Foleys and IVs; explaining/managing meds;  spending their lives making sure the patients are as clean and comfortable as possible.
     They have decided to dedicate their lives in service of others combative, confused, contagious or otherwise.  They keep up the spirits of their patients, families, fellow staff and even the M.D.'s.  They deal with medical, emotional and mental situations playing doctor, shrink and psychologist all at the same time--for multiple people 12 hours a day almost EVERY DAY.  They do what they do not for money, accolades, or awards, but because it is an innate desire they have to care for others (and you full well know what a rare attribute that is)!  They are happy healing and comforting the ailing, hurt and sick who walk through their doors.  It takes a special kind of person to be a nurse or pct.  A special kind of person to do what they do for a living!  Doctors are not the only healers so remember to go out and hug a nurse/pct today!
     Until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!

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