We are two women wanting to make a difference--two friends--sharing one blog; that we hope will encourage everyone to live on a higher level and find their own greatness! We have a desire to inspire our generation back to the former glory of the generations that came before us. But, most importantly to let others know even though our journeys are different, we are never alone! So--We invite you to rise with us by opening your minds and hearts! Happy Reading!
Friday, May 31, 2013
I know I have been guilty of it and I am pretty sure as hell is hot, you are probably guilty of it too. If anyone can walk up to you and have a full out conversation about your entire (wish you could forget) weekend; the first 48 hours of your new puppy's escapades or the cornucopia of flora you have added to your garden, without any previous conversation (of any kind) with you regarding any of those things--then YOU HAVE A PROBLEM! Don't get me wrong. Social media has its merits (although few and far between) like planning events; or sharing favorite/special moments; or sharing positive or helpful information. But there is such a thing as OVER SHARING! Don't be Stalker-Licious! Don't post every half hour of every hour of the day! Not only are your friends and family (although they love you) are tired of seeing your face for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and every moment in between), but you shouldn't want them to!
Take all the pictures you want, fill up your laptop, droid (notice I didn't say apple *yuck*) and even your social media pages, but keep some of it private. You should want to. I am sure you have at least an idea of what kind of Creepers exist in the world! Let's not make it easy for them or give them any more ideas than they already have. And let's not overwhelm those we "share" our social media lives with, either! In all seriousness, when is enough sharing--well--enough sharing? Don't be an abuser or an addict. We need to learn how to enjoy our social media without overusing our social media!
***I want to give a big thank you to SuSu, Pollyanna (*wink*) and Nessie for giving me the idea for this post! We really appreciate the feedback and suggestions it helps us know what you like and want to hear about!***
Well Lovelies, until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Skin Hunger--A Homage

It may sleep, but when it exists as you and I--a part of us--awake as we are, it becomes even more unpredictable. Anything can arouse this creature--a memory, a thought, a kiss, the missing of your someone (especially)--and before you know it your breathing hitches; you bite your lip; you inhale deeply; close your eyes and that creature happily trumpets for that skin it requires. It is intoxication, memory, lust, promise and possibility all wrapped up into one. It breathes passion into our bodies and drives us to a higher level of need--desire.
Truly there are few driving emotions that are as elemental or primal as skin hunger. Left unchecked, unanswered, it can drive us to distraction and even delirium. It can haunt us or release us. If you have never felt it I pity you--if you have then you KNOW what I say is true--I would never want to live without it.
Well, lovelies, I was overdue for something a little indulgent (and a touch naughty). I hope you enjoyed it. Until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Enough is Enough
Lately I've been talking about being patient, and I still think that this is a very important skill for all of us to cultivate, but when is it time to let go?
At some point everyone has had to face the music and move on. We had to leave that crappy job, friend, or relationship. We pick up our hurt feeling and slowly exit stage left! I know I can't be the only one who at the end feels sad and angry at the same time! I want to sit in a pool of myself and cry, and also curse out the world for having to deal with this tough time!
Moving on is hard, but at times its the only way to grow! I know when its time when I have come to the end of my hurt feelings. I can literally feel myself saying "ok, we have had our pity party, now what? ". Then I remember that I'm fucking AWESOME! (I think we all tell ourselves this! ) I think back on all my accomplishments, past lessons that I've learned, and all the wonderful people I have in my life! I figure that if I am here, I have a purpose, I have to pull together my strength and carry on! Life always goes on!
So when it's time for you move on, don't be afraid! Its ok to be upset, but never hold on to anything or anyone who doesn't help you become the person you were put here to be!
Be strong and always remember that you are LOVED!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
You Got Her--Can You Keep Her?
Here are a few key points for you to remember (in no specific order):
1.) Sometimes she wants to just vent about her day/situation/experience and not have you fix her problems (if she wants your help she will let you know(or you can just ask)).
2.) She isn't "okay" even when she says she is "okay" (and okay should never be an acceptable answer to how she feels)!
3.) She shouldn't be/feel alone (ever) because it is an honor to call her yours (and if you are going to be constantly M.I.A from her life then you might as well not be in her life at all).
4.) NO ONE should make her feel more special or treasured than you (self explanatory)
5.) Actions speak louder than words BUT it is even better when they are the exact same(=consistency)
6.) Be DEPENDABLE (without dependability there can be no trust)
7.) Be supportive (COMPLETELY supportive(especially when she does the same for you without needing to be asked or told)
8.) Don't promise change only to never do it (we understand change takes time, but we also know when you don't even start) this is a fast way to lose your girl.
9.) LISTEN (why must we be broken records)! If she is taking time to tell you then it is important especially when it has to do with you (and/or your relationship). Don't shut down or you will shut her out and turn her off.
10.) See the BIG picture (we KNOW this is a hard one for you)! Put yourself in her shoes, try and understand or see things not only from her perspective, but also the possible effects or affects of what is going on with her (and/or your relationship).
OR you can just talk to her and ask her what she needs! I mean seriously, how and why are you afraid to talk to your girl? I mean what is she going to do, bite you (heck you may like it if she did)? This list is just a few common "needs" that most women I know seem to have. But every man should make time to get to know his woman because I guarantee, that she knows you.
We don't expect you to be like us, pick up on things by just paying attention, but we do expect you to care enough that you take an interest in our happiness. You shouldn't be the reason why we cry, worry, stress or hurt, but why we smile, laugh, blush and relax. We shouldn't have to encourage you to care or take time or understand, you should want to do this all on your own (if you don't have these inclinations you are either an a*s OR she isn't right for you (or you for her)). Don't complicate it or make it harder then it needs to be.

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Bobble Heads/ Gird Your Loins!
Not that I am trying to spread the term "Bobble Head" around, but as I stated before, I never really realized how many Bobble Heads populate my day to day life until recently. I mean the day is hard enough as it is. We all strive to do our best; make a difference; make it through--what have you--and they are so determined to make it so much harder then it needs to be. The fact that they spew, with smiles on their faces, passive-aggressive insults and jibes, pretending like they are sweet as prune pie is just--tiring. How sad must they be to try and spread their misery and joyless hearts around to others?
Yet, no matter how sad the question I find myself asking, is what in the world can I do to DEFLECT that Bobble Head Virus they are determined to cough all over me and everyone else in a 20 foot radius? I refuse (although tempting as it may be(and it truly is)) to play mean girl with them--stoop to their level and make them three times as uncomfortable as they can ever make anyone else. So, where does that leave me or anyone dealing with their personal "Bobble Head", for that matter. Certainly not between a rock and a hard place because I am not that kind of girl, but the question (again, remains) what to do, what to do?
Honestly the only thing I have figured out by now is that I have to do the thing they hate most, smile and keep it moving; don't give them the time of day because they don't deserve it. I will not feed into nor stoop down nor ingest their virus either. After all, if I did that I wouldn't be any better than they are--if I did that I would be a Bobble Head! So, I need to put into practice (way more than I have been( hey I am NOT perfect)) mindful breathing and reclaim my calm. Consider this me turning over a new-old leaf for my own peace of mind and happiness.
Just a little something to think about for all of you out there dealing with their own set of Bobble Heads. Be brave! Gird your loins! And remember to take the higher ground! Until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Friends, How Many of Us Have Them
Monday, May 13, 2013
Get Comfortable, But Not Too Comfortable!
Okay Gents, I had to do another one for you. This is more specifically geared towards our guys who are lucky enough to have a sweetie pie to snuggle up to on cold, lonely, nights but it would be prudent for single guys to keep this little tid-bit of information tucked away for later.
As you well know every relationship has a "honeymoon" period and after that period of glistening sunshine and pink cotton candy clouds you get COMFORTABLE! Oh, what a sharp (and bloody) double edged sword that word is in a relationship! On one hand getting to know and trust your partner to the point of being comfortable is a beautiful thing, it is reassuring and comforting. But COMFORTABLE seems to constitute something a little different for guys. Guys, don't allow yourself (or rather please STOP allowing yourself) to get so COMFORTABLE in your relationship that you stop trying! Yes, YOU GOT HER--so pat yourself on the back, high five your friends, but now you have to KEEP HER! And if you get so comfortable that you don't try then you will surely LOSE HER!
If she is the moon in your heaven, the wind beneath your wings, the Cleopatra to your Antony then TREAT HER THAT WAY. Take time to surprise her with something sweet or/and thoughtful. Don't forget to tell her she looks beautiful or lovely. Take time to notice the little changes that she has made or things she has done; whether it is a spectacular job on a pot roast or the fact that she changed her nail polish from one shade of pink to another (you don't have to know the shade, just notice it) talk to her about it, let her know that you realize that she did something different or well. Really guys, (and I have been playing this broken record for so long!) it is about the little things and it isn't difficult at all! Just be thoughtful and considerate. You should never be so comfortable that you forget to TREASURE and APPRECIATE HER.
She should be worth the little things and so much more! Again, don't just give her "lip service" prove it--besides you should want to. Consider this a little bit of a refresher course! Remember being comfortable isn't a bad thing unless you get too comfortable! Until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!

My Darth Vader
Something that my daddy has always said that grinds my gears (a little FG for you) is that, "...you are supposed to love your parents...", I roll my eyes so hard at this, sometimes I think they will pop out of my head! Honestly, love isn't preconditioned. Love is a living, growing, entity. If you do not feed, nurture and care for love, it will not grow! The fact that my Darth Vader tries to use this as justification for his short comings makes me--sad and PISSED. Absentee parents will (as most of us with them know) NEVER step up and take responsibility for what they have and have not done. Sometimes I just want to shake them and say, "Get over yourself! Your kids didn't ask to be here and as parents you are SUPPOSED to protect, provide, love and support them unconditionally!" Just because you have children doesn't make you a parent and doesn't give you a right to be loved either. You can't expect to get something for nothing. And what's worse is that when they get older and the realize (if they ever do) the error of their ways (or become insanely lonely after years of selfishness and disregard), they don't understand that it is too late to mend what they have broken. I am not saying that it isn't possible for there to be amends of some kind, but it isn't possible to reclaim what was lost. There can be a relationship, but even so it will never come close to what could have been.
I wish that I were the only person who can speak on this subject to any degree, but unfortunately I am not. I know quite a few people who are in the same boat (or should I say ocean liner) as I am. Parents are important for a lot of reasons. If you aren't ready or you don't desire children then USE PROTECTION (and I am not talking about abortion because that isn't birth control/protection). And if you slip up and find you are expecting then you should realize your child didn't ask to be here and that you need to step up. Being able to have a child is a blessing, a gift from God, that many people will never have. It is a lifetime commitment. Children are part of the legacy that you will leave when you pass from this world and hopefully you will leave a legacy, within them, that goes beyond a name. Well, I think this is more than enough sharing for one night. Until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Talk to me
I Do Believe in Good Girls, I Do, I Do!/Rebirth of the Well Rounded Woman
In a society that indulges and celebrates "bad girls" I am determined to do the exact opposite and celebrate the "good girls" (I KNOW they still exist)! Instead of wasting time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (or any other social network site) following; retweeting; liking; or commenting on the ridiculous and disgusting behavior of self proclaimed "bad girls" let's find the good girls who are actually doing something to improve not only themselves, but their future and generation-- applaud them instead. How many statuses have you seen (or posted) about girls who behave badly; don't carry themselves well or display a poor attitude? How often have you seen some of the younger girls and shake your head and ask yourself why are they acting or dressing that way? Look at what is considered acceptable and appreciated in our society and our media. We can't expect to continuously applaud "bad girls" and turn around and tell our young girls and women not to be the same way. We are sending mixed messages! We are spreading tolerance and hypocrisy!
It is time that we step up and re-take control of our society, generation and media. Let us stop celebrating the wrong role models and ideals and start promoting the right ones again! It is time for a rejuvenation of what is good and necessary. I am tired of us all shaking our head at our generational plight and not doing anything. Time is wasting away and action is long over due! I will put away the soap box for now, but I hope you actually will give some thought to starting a new revolution--The Rebirth Of The Well Rounded Woman!
Until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Patience: When Waiting is the Only Option
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
From The Bottom of Our Hearts

I know that for the longest time I desired my match. My heart longed for someone who I could dream with, love, cherish and have passionately-romantic trysts with (lol). Someone who I could make memories, laugh with and stand next to through the bad times and the good. A man who not only genuinely wanted the same things, but who would (and could) reciprocate whole hearted and without hesitation. I wanted the hand holding, cuddling, kissing, tickling, teasing, the sweet whispers and heart felt promises. I wanted someone who would be my sun and I, his moon. My match, who would be my first thought when I wake and my last before I sleep. The one whose kiss makes my heart skip and my knees go weak. I wanted all of the romance and passion perfectly blended with the reality of stability and happiness, too.
The funny and almost tragic fact is for the longest time I compromised on my heart's desire. I lost my self, my way, and became someone I wasn't with a heart full of unhappiness. That was almost my life...(but because everything happens for a reason) it isn't anymore! I am blessed to have reconnected with an amazingly wonderful man who I love tremendously. And not only do I love Hunny, but he is my match and with him I am NOT compromising my heart's desire but fulfilling them instead(what a lucky woman I am)!
The freedom and peace my heart knows within this fulfillment is blinding! I feel comfortable and happy with Hunny by my side (and when he can't be by my side I have never missed the presence of a single individual in my day to day life as much as I do Hunny's). There isn't a doubt in my heart in regards to his love for me or our future together. I want to shout it from the mountain tops and dance along rainbows from the sheer joy of it all (but as I am not climbing Mt. Everest nor dancing a jig along refracted light I had to settle for the internet, lol)! I look forward to watching our future unfold; spending every moment possible with my Hunny and drifting through this blue lagoon of love that has me deliciously intoxicated (in the best way of course).
The point to all of this sharing is to emphasis that allowing ourselves to fulfill our "secret" heart's desires can lead us to great happiness. It isn't necessarily easy nor is the road straight and narrow either, but it is worth the lessons and the struggles. Until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Being Thankful
Don't Put Her On Hold, She Is NOT a Phone Call!!
Where Does Yours End and Mine Begin?
Like most families there are expectations placed upon every generation, but being from an island family it is harder to learn that sometimes you have to leave behind those expectations so that YOU (as an individual) can be prosperous and happy. You see the majority of individuals from island families come from nothing. It is emphasized from the day you are born that you MUST do better than the generation before you. Every generation must propel the family further up the path of success and build a more stable foundation for future generations (AKA: our children). Now don't get me wrong I want to build a wonderful foundation for my future children, but I also have come to know that it will not necessarily be in the way that my family believes it will be.
There finally came a time where I had to ask myself where do their dreams and lives end and mine begin (I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS)? After many years of struggling with this I came to the realization that when my life ends it will do so as it began--alone. When I die I shall stand before God--alone. My regrets, sins, virtues, etc. will be put upon the scale to be judged and weighed. The reasons why (example: my mom wanted me to or because it was expected of me, etc.) will be irrelevant. Because of this I have chosen to live my life for God and myself (and now Hunny, too). I only have one go at this life and I want to live well and be happy. If I am trying to please everyone I will be miserable (besides no one can make EVERYONE happy (that is impossible)). I will continue to strive to live as beautifully and completely as possible; do more good than bad. I want to love hard and thoroughly AND make God and Hunny proud.
My family wants the best for me, but sometimes their desires and ideals get in the way. At the end of the day diverging (from their ideals, desires and expectations) may be right for me (and keep in mind that diverging doesn't mean that I no longer love and respect my family). No one should feel guilty for chasing their happiness (even if it is born from unconventional means(and I sure as heck won't))! So, that is why I say, go--chase your happiness! Blaze your own trail, dance to your own beat and remember that those who truly love you, will always love you no matter what! These are some of my revelations, desires and choices, what are yours?
Until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
You Asked WHAT, Now?!?!

I don't want to stagnate, stifle or deny my heart's desires. I refused to get encumbered by my divorce or what happened in my marriage. I learned from the good and the bad; no bitterness exists in my heart; I am happy and going after what I want. Thanks to the good grace of God and amazing people in my life, I have healed and I am striving to accomplish the goals I have set forth for myself and my life. And having someone amazing to share my life with is part of this. Not every divorcee will marry only once or spurn relationships--at the very least this one won't!
Well that's all for now, until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The Awesomeness of Trent Shelton/The Power of Rehab
You see, Trent promotes self healing, discovery and honesty. He strives to help others break unhealthy cycles. He is one of the reasons(or rather inspirations) behind my giving Hunny another chance. Trent has this philosophy (he has many, but this one struck my heart deeply) that, "You are perfect for the heart that's meant to love you". When I read this Hunny was expressing a serious desire for us to try again and something Hunny had been telling me over and over again (as he tried to hammer it into my stubborn head) is that I am perfect just the way I am; perfect in his eyes and perfect for him. (Talk about a God sent message!) And when I thought about what Trent had been saying about the right person to love you and about relationships, really thought about it, I realized that he was right (and so was Hunny (God, I love my Hunny))!
Trent Shelton (I truly believe) is starting a revolution that will steer us away from the slippery slopes of unhealthy self image and relationships. Which if we are being honest with ourselves is something we desperately need in this day and age! Trent is using his blessed wisdom (along with his gift of successfully conveying his message) to hearten and embolden us all to take time to get into Rehab (you gotta check him out so you will know what kind of Rehab I am talking about(and no, I am not talking about THAT rehab)). This assist in revelation that Trent inspired encouraged me to not only follow him on Facebook, but keep up with his videos on Youtube as well. I can not express enough how much Finess and I admire Trent and how inspiring he is (how many times have I said, 'inspiring' in this post, lol). He is nothing short of brilliant, a rejuvenating wind in a society that no longer encourages the beauty and absolute rightness of healthy relationships (look at half of the relationships that are on reality TV for example). And the fact that he is a young gentleman, from our generation, who is taking time to inspire us is so promising! He gives us hope that having a beautiful relationship is possible; that we aren't as broken as we believe; and that there are men out there that can come to the fore front and be a shinning example for others!
Trent Shelton--remember the name! Follow him on his website(http://trentshelton.com/) or on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/LikeTrentShelton) and take time to swim through his wisdom; soak in the rays of this revolution and share with others! He is more than worth the time (and you know you Facebook half the day including while you are at work anyway) so at least Facebook something thought provoking and beneficial!
Until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!