Friday, May 10, 2013

I Do Believe in Good Girls, I Do, I Do!/Rebirth of the Well Rounded Woman

     Early mornings, ugh!  But I thought it would be a great time to post this as I am waiting for my training class for work (did I mention that I hate early mornings-- I am not used to seeing the sun rise)!  Okay so something that I am really tired of seeing (and for the sake of our generation should stop) is the promotion and exaltation of "bad girls".  It isn't only in the media (i.e.:  Bad Girls Club; Married to Medicine; Real House Wives of(anything), etc...) that "bad girls" are applauded for their behavior but (whether we realize it or not) in our personal lives as well.  And I am not only talking about the " guilty pleasure" of watching various reality t.v. shows, but the actions we condone in ourselves and our friends too. 
     In a society that indulges and celebrates "bad girls" I am determined to do the exact opposite and celebrate the "good girls" (I KNOW they still exist)!  Instead of wasting time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (or any other social network site) following; retweeting; liking; or commenting on the ridiculous and disgusting behavior of self proclaimed "bad girls" let's find the good girls who are actually doing something to improve not only themselves, but their future and generation-- applaud them instead.  How many statuses have you seen (or posted) about girls who behave badly; don't carry themselves well or display a poor attitude?  How often have you seen some of the younger girls and shake your head and ask yourself why are they acting or dressing that way?  Look at what is considered acceptable and appreciated in our society and our media.  We can't expect to continuously applaud "bad girls" and turn around and tell our young girls and women not to be the same way.  We are sending mixed messages!  We are spreading tolerance and hypocrisy!
     It is time that we step up and re-take control of our society, generation and media.  Let us stop celebrating the wrong role models and ideals and start promoting the right ones again!  It is time for a rejuvenation of what is good and necessary.  I am tired of us all shaking our head at our generational plight and not doing anything.  Time is wasting away and action is long over due!  I will put away the soap box for now, but I hope you actually will give some thought to starting a new revolution--The Rebirth Of The Well Rounded Woman!
     Until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!

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