Some people ask the strangest questions. Like the other morning when someone asked me, "Why do you have a boyfriend..." I mean, seriously?!?! What kind of question is that? I think the world has a rather ridiculous view on divorcees! Divorcees (vary of course) aren't all jaded, reclusive, cat loving women who spend their day cursing the male sex to impotency and painful deaths. Just because I am divorced doesn't mean I have given up on love, commitment and/or marriage. My life isn't over, my story hasn't ended, just because a chapter has finished! I mean c'mon guys! I ( can only speak for myself(and maybe those out there who are similar, too)) am not going to stop living or close my heart because my first marriage didn't work. My divorce didn't eradicate my desire to be (happily) married and have a family. Seriously should any hiccup in life stop us from living?

I believe that after going through such a serious heartbreak (or heart break of any kind, really) one should take time to heal; accept what happened; and learn from the mistakes made. There is no reason to let hurt, pain, trials or tribulations stop you from living your life; going after what you want or being happy! Remember there is no time limit on the healing process because it varies from individual to individual. Everyone has their own process (or at least they should) some people will take years, others only months and that is perfectly fine! the most important thing is that you heal so you can understand and move forward in your life instead of stagnating or becoming a bitter buttercup!
I don't want to stagnate, stifle or deny my heart's desires. I refused to get encumbered by my divorce or what happened in my marriage. I learned from the good and the bad; no bitterness exists in my heart; I am happy and going after what I want. Thanks to the good grace of God and amazing people in my life, I have healed and I am striving to accomplish the goals I have set forth for myself and my life. And having someone amazing to share my life with is part of this. Not every divorcee will marry only once or spurn relationships--at the very least this one won't!
Well that's all for now, until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
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