Okay Gents, I had to do another one for you. This is more specifically geared towards our guys who are lucky enough to have a sweetie pie to snuggle up to on cold, lonely, nights but it would be prudent for single guys to keep this little tid-bit of information tucked away for later.
As you well know every relationship has a "honeymoon" period and after that period of glistening sunshine and pink cotton candy clouds you get COMFORTABLE! Oh, what a sharp (and bloody) double edged sword that word is in a relationship! On one hand getting to know and trust your partner to the point of being comfortable is a beautiful thing, it is reassuring and comforting. But COMFORTABLE seems to constitute something a little different for guys. Guys, don't allow yourself (or rather please STOP allowing yourself) to get so COMFORTABLE in your relationship that you stop trying! Yes, YOU GOT HER--so pat yourself on the back, high five your friends, but now you have to KEEP HER! And if you get so comfortable that you don't try then you will surely LOSE HER!
If she is the moon in your heaven, the wind beneath your wings, the Cleopatra to your Antony then TREAT HER THAT WAY. Take time to surprise her with something sweet or/and thoughtful. Don't forget to tell her she looks beautiful or lovely. Take time to notice the little changes that she has made or things she has done; whether it is a spectacular job on a pot roast or the fact that she changed her nail polish from one shade of pink to another (you don't have to know the shade, just notice it) talk to her about it, let her know that you realize that she did something different or well. Really guys, (and I have been playing this broken record for so long!) it is about the little things and it isn't difficult at all! Just be thoughtful and considerate. You should never be so comfortable that you forget to TREASURE and APPRECIATE HER.
She should be worth the little things and so much more! Again, don't just give her "lip service" prove it--besides you should want to. Consider this a little bit of a refresher course! Remember being comfortable isn't a bad thing unless you get too comfortable! Until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!

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