First--Please take time to quiet your mind so you can hear your heart. REFLECT--evaluate and give yourself a chance to breathe and think things through. Making decisions or even just thinking about a difficult situation or decision out of a place of hurt, anger, or confusion isn't good for you or fair for your partner.
Secondly--After your period of reflection, make sure that you realize the part you played in causing the decline of your relationship. AKA: Take RESPONSIBILITY! A relationship takes 2 people, right? So the responsibility of the health of the relationship lies with not just one party, but both! Hopefully in your moment of reflection you would have completely assessed not just the errors of your partner, but the your own as well. If you have then you should be able to accept your own actions (or inaction) that contributed to the situation. Taking responsibility is just as important as reflecting and evaluating the situation with a clear heart and mind.
Thirdly--After you have reflected and taken responsibility then it is time to COMMUNICATE! After you have clarity, take time to speak with your partner. Let them know how you feel and where your heart and mind are. Be as honest and clear as possible. Do not do them nor yourself the dishonor of lying (not even lying by omission) or hiding the truth. Be respectful and listen as well as speak your peace. If your partner is not open or supportive then they have essentially made their decision.

Essentially what we need to remember is that we are responsible for the success or demise of our relationships. We are the ones who open and close these doors. If you are negligent, cavalier, uncaring, lazy, thoughtless, cruel, unromantic, etc. then I hope you realize that you have OPENED the door in your relationship for your partner to walk out or someone else to walk in! If you want your partner in your life and a successful relationship--it takes work! If you aren't willing to put in the work (as I have stated before) step aside for someone who will. You can't completely blame your partner for being unsatisfied, unhappy or even tempted by someone else when you are not meeting nor fulfilling their needs. I think a lot of times we forget that we are not in relationships for ourselves. We are in relationships with people because of them--for them--you should want to be with someone because you wish to build a life and a future with them. You should be with someone because you wish to love, protect, care for them and make them happy.
Relationships test your character, heart and very soul. If you are selfish, egotistical, or even insecure, oblivious, condescending or untrustworthy, etc. then it isn't possible for you to have a healthy relationship. If you aren't happy with yourself, or too consumed with self in anyway there is no way you can be giving with your partner. And relationships are all about GIVING to someone else! Love is worth the risk and the work for me, but not everyone truly--to their core--will feel this way. And if you are one of those individuals who continuously takes and hurts and expects your partner to sit around waiting for you to wise up! That isn't fair (it is SELFISH, just in case you didn't know) and it is cruel.

Life and especially Love are constant learning experiences. They grant us the opportunity to get to know ourselves--become better people. I can't regret any of the relationships of my past. First, because the past can not be undone and lastly because I wouldn't be who I am without that past. I have loved and lost and my heart has been broken repeatedly. But, I hope and believe that the majority of us will eventually learn (some more quickly than others). And the hope of a healthy, beautiful love isn't unrealistic. We just have to break our negative cycles and mindsets--learn to love ourselves so that we may be able to love others. Learning the difference and being strong enough to protect your heart and happiness when someone you love doesn't is the most difficult lesson in this life. But, it is possible to learn it and not only survive, but thrive as well.
