Okay Lads and Lassies I don't know whether you know it or not (or maybe you might have forgotten) but the key to achieving most things in life is CONFIDENCE! I am not joking at all here, so take note. Confidence is key. Now I am not talking about Ego--no--that is a truly sad attribute and makes someone look immature and fake. I am talking about genuine, healthy, confidence. Although you may consider this a lot of unwarranted emphasis on something that may seem unnecessary (to those who don't know) I can guarantee you that this is not the case at all. I believe that we spend a lot of time focusing on love, honesty and perseverance, but what are any of these attributes without confidence? Would Romeo have pursued Juliet without confidence? Would honest Abe been honest without confidence? Would Martin Luther King, Jr have persevered without confidence? No--I don't think so--and if you are honest with your self (especially after I have posed these questions) I am sure you don't think so either.
The generation of confidence is a curious thing. Nine times out of ten
confidence is an attribute cultivated over time, although for some lucky
people it is natural. I will admit that I have more "affection" for
those who have had to come through a lot--heal--and get to know
themselves well enough to build that confidence. Because it comes from
being quite hard won I believe it is stronger, than "natural"
confidence. But, don't misunderstand me, healthy confidence no matter
from where it originates is a beautiful and necessary thing in this
life. You see either way, confidence is like the spinal cord for all
other positive attributes that make up our internal structure. It is
necessary for us to fulfill our roles as people. With confidence not
only do doors in our (external) lives open, but doors within ourselves
open as well. And that is truly priceless.

One can exude confidence in various ways; it is in the way you carry
yourself, your demeanor, your walk and how you speak to others. And whether or not you realize it people can tell when you do and don't have confidence in yourself. That realization will have an affect on how others perceive and react to you. You see confidence is what allows you to own who you are; face the world bravely
and undaunted. It gives you the ability to venture forth with surety
and an unfailing knowledge of self to the point where nothing can (nor
will) deter you. Confidence, even when it comes to the opposite sex, opens
more doors than not because whether you realize it or not it is
tremendously appealing! (Quite honestly few things are more attractive than someone who is confident and sure of themselves--who they are.)
When I was younger I didn't understand why confidence is so important. But the longer I live and the more I experience I have found that having confidence is an important part of having a
healthy internal balance--an important part of self love. It is something that will help propel us--drive us--to achieve our goals; to be the people we deeply desire to be. I believe it to be truly necessary
(just so long as it is healthy and doesn't mutate into an ego) for us to
prosper in our lives. When people have confidence it draws others to
them like moths to a
flame. It adds to the internal light that burns within, magnifying its
brilliance into an undeniable and incandescent entity.

someone who had to work very hard to build my own confidence--I consider
it, although difficult, a truly great, personal achievement. My
sojourn through my internal dark forests and brier patches was well worth the outcome. I found my voice and the strength to unapologetically be who I am! without confidence I wouldn't be able to love myself nor all of my imperfections and quirkiness. Confidence, healthy confidence, is something to be proud of. It is a powerful and beneficial attribute that everyone should cultivate. Sometimes it isn't easy to acquire, but I encourage everyone (who is having difficulties building theirs) to make that personal, internal, journey for the benefits are well worth the difficulties. That is all the food for thought I have for tonight, Lovelies! Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
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