I am not being sexiest, bitter or angry when I say this. It is, quite regrettably, a cold hard fact. At one point in time what was important to men was honor, honesty, dependability, intelligence, fidelity, love, accountability, family and being a good provider, husband and father. But this is no longer the case. Now our society encourages individuality over family; irresponsibility over accountability and dependability; money over love; and success over honor and honesty. We live in a social culture that has been infested with negative ideals that celebrate materialism, excess, degradation, ignorance, greed, dishonesty, and a myriad of other distasteful and disgusting attributes; practically eliminating the once upstanding and steadfast traditions that were once common place.
The continuous breakdown has resulted in men who want to be taken care of; takers; game players; and stagnated individuals who would rather suppress or ignore their shortcomings and "baggage" instead of rallying their courage and putting in hard work to break through and grow past their issues to become better men. Very few desire to be a true partner, provider, father, husband, friend or lover. It is like men have become so accustomed to satisfying themselves and their petty and short lived desires that they no longer understand nor do they see the big picture. They are actually OK with giving bits and pieces of themselves (if anything at all) instead of cultivating themselves (continuously) in order to be a whole person who can engage in stable, healthy relationships. And on top of all of that most of them believe that women should be satisfied with what little they are willing to do (again, if anything at all)!

In every relationship in life, no matter what kind it is, you get what you give! You set the tone! If you aren't reliable we won't rely on you; if you lie and/or cheat on us--we will not trust you; essentially if you do not give in return what we give to you freely; if you can not get on the same page with us--we can't (and won't) have a real relationship with you. (No matter how much we love you--we have to protect ourselves and will not sacrifice our well being to have you in our lives when you take more (or twice as much) as you give!). Man was not meant to walk alone if he were God would not have made a companion for Adam. I will also admit that not all men are meant to marry (or women for that matter).
Relationships aren't all meant to end in marriage with a white picket fence and two point five kids. But, if you desire to be in a relationship (or eventually to be married and have a family) then men make sure you are ready--that you are on the same page as your partner--and you are in a place to be able to be in a relationship. I hope men will start taking time to step back and start seeing the big picture again--to become the men they were; leave behind selfishness, lying and irresponsibility and embrace being men of honor, accountability and consideration. I encourage men to live up to their potential, to correct this great imbalance and bring the world to rights. I encourage them to achieve their greatness and with the same breath I encourage women to not settle for less than they deserve. Do not allow someone to only give you bits and pieces when you happily give all of yourself. Don't settle for an unhealthy relationship (no matter how much you love them) that will end in heartache when you deserve a healthy relationship and a happy ending. Because the reality of it is--a relationship isn't only about how you feel and treat someone it is more about how someone feel and treats you!
Well Lovelies, just some food for thought. Until another time I wish you Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
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