I remember when I was growing up and only ever knowing of two other girls who shared my name. One was a few grades under me and the other was one of my mother's favorite actresses, Marisa Tomei. Outside of us three, I had never known of or met another Marissa. Honestly it made me a little sad because I couldn't be like the Jenifers, Ashleys or Brittanys in my classes. I didn't know what it was like to have an automatic kinship with other girls because we shared a name (it was almost like The Ashleys from Disney Channel's animated series, "Recess"). It was rather lonely and of course the more painfully obnoxious children who pointed out how "different" and uncommon my name was, made it so much worse. Taking into consideration my noticeably unusual appearance and the way I sound I didn't really need one more--well anything to make me stand out, but I had it!
As I grew older, did some research and realized being the only 'Marissa' in not only my class, but my school wasn't necessarily a bad thing. My beloved name, 'Marissa', has Latin and Hebrew origins with many different spellings and a couple different meanings, but my favorite is the Latin definition for Marissa which means "Of the Sea". (Being a true lover of water, the moon and a Pisces it is easy to understand why.) And with that knowledge of origin, every year that passed I began to fall more in love with my name. Needless to say by the time I hit college I had so much love for my name that whenever I said it, it would drip from my lips like honey (C'mon say it with me--Ma-RISS-ahhhh, lol)! SN: This may also be why I HATE it when people do not say my name correctly or sweetly(Yes I am that emphatic and serious about my name)!
Now many years after grade school and college a new and unexpected chapter in this story of my name has begun! It seems as though Marissas have not only grown, but prospered and we are now coming out of the wood works, clawing our way into the sunlight and making sure the world knows we are here! Marissa's are actresses, models, athletes, musicians, producers, writers, medical professionals, refuge volunteers, and CEO's! Instead of people knowing one or even none people know multiple ones! We are as vibrant, unique and memorable as our name! We are making our mark! I don't know about every other Marissas (Maressa, Maricia, Marisa, Marisha, Maritza, Mariza, Marrissa, Maryssa, Merissa, Meryssa and Morissa or any other variation in spelling of Marissa), but I feel empowered, encouraged and proud. And most sincerely quite determined to be one of the great Marissas of the world!
Okay, I am exiting the roof top and putting down the bull horn. But you can't blame me for wanting to herald the awesomeness of Marissas! Until another time Lovelies, I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
We are two women wanting to make a difference--two friends--sharing one blog; that we hope will encourage everyone to live on a higher level and find their own greatness! We have a desire to inspire our generation back to the former glory of the generations that came before us. But, most importantly to let others know even though our journeys are different, we are never alone! So--We invite you to rise with us by opening your minds and hearts! Happy Reading!
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