I know that Hunny isn't psychic (as most men aren't) and so I strive to communicate with him to help him understand what I need and want as well as to make sure that we are on the same page. And honestly it isn't always easy. Not for me--especially because of my past. But as I am determined to rectify the mistakes of my past and build a healthy relationship I choose to fight against my defense mechanisms. So instead of running, or throwing up a steel wall, I breathe through my initial fears, hurts and frustrations and sit down to talk with Hunny. Yet, knowing it takes two people to make a relationship work I can only do so much on my end. And honestly that is one of the most terrifying facts of Love there is--knowing that I can not make it work by myself. Simply knowing that my heart, my desire, my Love is not enough to make this relationship work makes it hard not to just run away in sheer terror out of fear of a broken heart because it would be easier--safer. Knowing that the fate of not only my relationship, but my heart is equally at the mercy of his hands sets my heart trembling with trepidation. And that is the greatest most difficult part of the gamble. But, that is when I ask myself not only if this gamble with Hunny is worth it-- but if I will let my past and fears deny me the right ( or deny him the chance) to try again to Love and be Loved.
You, see when I choose Love (as with those of us who do) I knowingly choose to gamble my heart with Hunny. To take a chance that may be this will be my FOREVER Love. I choose to bestow upon him the gift of Chance to win my heart for all time. I choose to allow him into my heart and life. I choose to be vulnerable, available, understanding, patient, kind, honest--essentially I choose to walk, live, breathe Love; for I have learned that it is more than a word (or many words). Love is in every action and thought of every moment of every day whether the person is right next to you or 1000 miles away. For when one Loves (truly--purely love) they are elevated (and the relationship they are trying to build) unto another plateau. But with Love the gamble isn't just in your hand that counts like in black jack--no it is more like spades. It is about what your partner is holding just as much as what you are. And at the end of the day you can only do your best and give your best and hope and pray that your partner understands that they are just as responsible for the success or failure to make your "books" as you are. (Lol, I couldn't resist adding in some spades references!) And hopefully (seriously) your partner will understand that just like in spades NOTHING is a surety, but a gamble and a chance and if they play their hand wrong, they will LOSE!
And it isn't just one misplayed hand, but many that result in the ULTIMATE LOSS. If you try and try to communicate with words and actions, but there is no change in how they play the game; if they are not willing to try to work with you, to build with you, so that you both can win (not just each other but,) together then it may be time to find another partner (no matter how much it may hurt or how much the loss of your old partner would break your heart). Because a partner that does not trust or listen to you--a partner who isn't receptive or dedicated to you or your gamble (that you make together), isn't a good partner to have. For every time they disregard you; take you for granted; ignore; hurt or deny you they are rejecting the love, time, hard work and dedication you have poured into your relationship. They deny you and everything you are working for. And Ladies and Gents, I know what that feels like. That sting I have felt too keenly time and time again and it wearies and frustrates me as I know it must do to all those who have felt and do feel it. It chips away at the partnership, trust, and very hope that your relationship thrives on--until there is nothing left.

I hope that we all can make it through the Seasonal curse of Fall and greet Winter with stronger relationships. Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
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