In the past two weeks I have heard so many guys, girls and couples go back and forth about who should plan the dates and why. C'mon guys, seriously? If I am in the mood to be a smart a** I say, "...because I don't have a penis..", but when I am being serious I say, "...because I shouldn't have to unless I want to." I mean am I not special enough for you to take some time out to plan something wonderful for us to do together? Take a step back and look at it from my (and maybe a few other women's) perspective. I wear many hats (as most of us do) in my life and in the many relationships I have. I plan, coordinate, organize, deliver, etc countless times during a week (let alone a month or a year). I am an ear to listen; a shoulder to cry on; a constant supporter along with playing the roll of sister, daughter, niece, granddaughter, girlfriend, best friend, lover, confidant, protector, etc. A lot is required of women sometimes a lot more is required of us than is required of men (HEAR ME OUT!). We are expected to be constantly 'On', across the board. We are more heavily scrutinized when we have a bad or off day. If we don't look just so, or aren't as focused as usual we never hear the end of it (from both men and women). And don't let us be unhappy, frustrated, tired or angry because then the criticism is doubled. Stop and think about how much your girl gives of herself not just at home or with you, but with others like strangers, coworkers, friends and family too. After all she does and gives with her heart, body and mind (which she does because she either has to or wants to) are you telling me that you can't plan the date?
A few decades ago women would never plan a date. The only thing they had to do was have fun dressing up for their date and be ready at the right time. Now don't get me wrong. Some guys find it easier than others, but just because it may not be easy for you doesn't mean you cop out or give up without ever trying or putting forth the effort. Do you know how much more it means to her when she knows it isn't easy, but you still manage to plan something amazing (can we say triple the points here, fellas)? We aren't asking for the moon (at least some of us aren't). What we both want and deserve is a man who will happily do for us what we do for others. It truly does make us feel fantastic that someone would plan a great date for us, a date where we can spend time together (<----sound data-blogger-escaped-familiar-----="">) relaxing and making memories. A date that will keep us glowing for a week and giddy with anticipation just thinking about the next time we go out with you! Guys you should want to step out for us. You shouldn't get so comfortable that you don't romance (or seduce) us because that is a sure way to lose us. I mean is it really so hard to plan a few dates a month? Does it really hurt you (you KNOW you benefit from it)?
Just a little advice from this divorcee. Until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!
We are two women wanting to make a difference--two friends--sharing one blog; that we hope will encourage everyone to live on a higher level and find their own greatness! We have a desire to inspire our generation back to the former glory of the generations that came before us. But, most importantly to let others know even though our journeys are different, we are never alone! So--We invite you to rise with us by opening your minds and hearts! Happy Reading!
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