Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Art of Seduction Part 3/Kiss Me

     Alright guys grab your Carmax, Chap-stick and Burt's Bees because it is time to read up on one of the most enjoyable past times ever--KISSING!!!!  Just like you should use your words and touch to set the mood, start those sparks, you should do the same with kissing!  Kissing isn't just for 'hello', 'goodbye', or before/after sex.  Kissing is for all the time--anytime.  There are just so many different kisses and places to kiss (*wink, wink*) that ignoring, overlooking or not implementing them should be a condemnable crime!
     For example, there is the ever gallant and romantic kiss on the top of the hand or across the knuckles (that one makes my heart flutter); the gentle and endearing forehead/top of head kiss (que Cheshire cat grin); or the intimate and enticing neck/shoulder kiss (my knees go so weak) or even the always sweet kiss on the cheek (*aaaaawwwwwww*)!  These kisses are simple and easy and a great starting point.  Remember there doesn't have to be a special reason other than a desire to kiss her!  So, grab her unexpectedly and kiss her softly, gently or sweetly, then let her go and walk away like nothing happened.
     Keep in mind that it is just as easy to surprise her with a passionate kiss as a gentle one (Please believe that I am an advocate for every kind of kiss.  I just want to remind you that playful kisses are just as important.).  With that being said you can NEVER over use the passionate kiss.  Nothing can entice more than a no-holds-bar, up against the wall, hands in hair, body to body kiss.  That is the kind of kiss that makes you lose your sense of time and place.  It is a kiss that consumes and awakens you simultaneously.  It eliminates the world, but illuminates the two of you, bringing you both into focus.
     I believe you should kiss your girl like it is your first and last kiss.  You should kiss her with every fiber of your being.  Kiss her until you are the only thought, only desire, she has.  Kiss her so that within that moment there are only the two of you in existence.  Kiss her with love, passion and desire.  Kiss her frequently, deeply and thoroughly!  So heed my advice and go kiss your girl today!  Until another time I wish you all, love and happiness of the truest kind!

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