So one of my lovely friends asked this question this evening during a long and rather in depth conversation. My answer was I don't know, not truly (does any woman, for that matter). I don't know in specifics, I can only speak from my experience and I sure as heck can't speak for the sex. But the question did spark something in me and as promised, this post is most definitely for her (not only, just especially)!
* As I stated before, I can only speak from my experiences (I will do my best with this post, promise).*
Every man loves and shows his love differently--this is true for everyone, whether man or woman, but since we are focusing on the opposite sex, let's stay on track. A man's capacity to love depends on his definition of love; understanding of love; ability to receive and reciprocate love and his desire to love. Considering the myriad of variations that I can't even begin to touch on (and do sufficient justice), I will touch on what little I do believe to know.
Physical--Some men feel like they convey their love best with their bodies. They relish touching and being touched. They adore desiring and being desired and they show that when they give themselves and receive their women's bodies. Whether it is PDA or sex (or both), some men show what they can not say with physical love and affection.
Verbal--Some men are quite comfortable vowing the earth and moon and stars. They will promise forever (whether they strive to or not, again, depends on the man) whether in verse, song or conversation. They are comfortable and gifted (with a damnable silver tongue) with being able to convey their love and devotion with their words.
Providing--Some men show their love by providing for their women. They work hard to give them the life they want and deserve. They want to fulfill the role of provider and (financial) protector, so they work hard to build a life they can share and be proud of.
Emotional--Some men show their love by being emotionally vested in their relationship. They are supportive and understanding. They aren't afraid to cry with or for you nor laugh with you either. They show you not only what they feel, but that they understand (and can empathize) your feelings as well. They are not afraid to show the world how you make them feel or how they feel about you.
Thoughtful--Some men show their love by being thoughtful. They are considerate and in considering their women, show them that they are important in their lives. They do the sweet little nothings, remembering anniversaries and family members birthdays, etc. They make sure that their women know that they are thinking of them and they remember the important things about them.
All In One--And then there are those who show their love across the board. They show it physically, verbally, emotionally and with their actions and thoughts too (and with a whole lot more that I haven't even (nor would attempt to) touch on). They are what I considered to be more well rounded (and rare) for they are in a place to love someone wholly and show it, not in bits and pieces, but in every way. These are the men who are balanced and appreciate (as well as utilize) the many different ways of conveying their love.
Even in stating this I will say that there are no limitations on any individual and the way they show their love (except those they put upon themselves). Someone may start out preferring to show it one way, or another, or even a mixture of a few and (after hard work and genuine dedication) become an All In Oner. Every ability (to love and show love) depends solely on the individual and this pale skeletal post can never deliver a truly just explanation in so short a space or time. Yet, I still hope that it has helped even a little.
Remember the only way to know how a (specific) man shows his love is by watching and listening. And another note, don't try to change how a person shows their love. True change can only come from a sincere desire (and choice) from the individual. The fact that someone desires to show you their love for you is a truly precious and wonderful thing. Enjoy and appreciate it to its fullest because love is a fragile and magnificent thing.
Until another time, I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind!
We are two women wanting to make a difference--two friends--sharing one blog; that we hope will encourage everyone to live on a higher level and find their own greatness! We have a desire to inspire our generation back to the former glory of the generations that came before us. But, most importantly to let others know even though our journeys are different, we are never alone! So--We invite you to rise with us by opening your minds and hearts! Happy Reading!
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