So--I have a list of fictional men that I believe all men should learn from. It may seem silly but hey I didn't ask you. Truth be told I think a lot of men would be better off if they chose even two of these men
to emulate, but hey that's just my opinion. I have yet to meet any guy who would undertake such an endeavor. Anyway, the point I'd me confessing this is to say that I have officially added a new addition to my list. This, my dear readers, is a very rare occurrence! I didn't think I would be adding anyone to the list for at least a decade, so imagine my surprise when I finally stumbled across someone worth adding! Now, without further adieu *insert drum roll here, please* the new addition is LOGAN from "The Lucky One"!
Now, I'm not adding Logan because of Zack Effron's (sexy and delicious) portrayal of the character, (even though it may be hard to believe) I am adding Logan because of his character attributes. Logan is honest--really truly honest, sincere, vulnerable, patient, even tempered, selfless, polite, thoughtful (without even being asked to be), observant, calm, level headed and strong. But he doesn't misuse his strength--he uses it to protect others and at times he uses his strength of presence (and not even his physical strength) to do it. He doesn't mind hard work, can handle difficult situations with ease and proves to be reliable and brave to boot. And those are just his general attributes!

Logan isn't just a very well rounded man on a personal level but on a romantic level as well. Even though his past is dark and he is a little broken by it, he didn't run from it. He understands, takes responsibility for and embraces his experiences and feelings instead of running from them. He doesn't allow his past to negatively dictate how he approaches/handles his life or relationships. This enables him to be ready, emotionally available and a steady man. I absolutely love how he talks to and treats Beth (aka: the very lucky love interest). He is gentle, understanding and passionate. He doesn't ever lose his temper with her and is always thoughtful with his words and actions ( I.e. the way he closed the screen door to allow her a safe space while he told her the truth of why he came to Harden). He supported and protected her without hesitation or needing to be asked. He cared for Beth and her family, with honor and reverence, all of which made his character insanely attractive and desirable (even more so than his love scenes). The way he held her, when she needed comfort, touched her when things were "heating up" was an added bonus!
Nicholas Sparks developed the quintessential, long sought after "perfect" man in this character. I hesitate to use the word perfect because perfection is impossible to achieve. And although Logan was wonderful he wasn't perfect. His ptsd was difficult for him and sometimes his reserve of character could translate over as being ambivalent or even cold, but Logan, this character, is what most women (and I as well) want. Hence the term perfect, which I do use loosely. Logan was a good man. And that is something that is achievable--something to aspire to be. His maturity and goodness are what most men are missing. Too long has the importance of character-gentleness, honesty, reliability, bravery, responsibility, etc. have been over looked and under valued! That is why chivalry is thought to be dead! Even though the hopeless romantic in me usually has to fight the jaded-world practical side of me, this character brought both of my warring factions together.
So, I hope you will join me in welcoming Logan to The List. And if you haven't pick up the movie--you can thank me for that later! Until another time I wish you Love and Happiness of the truest kind.

*FOR REFERENCE* The List (in no particular order): Mr. Darcy ("Pride and Prejudice"), Strider aka: Aragorn (Lord of the Rings), (practically any character and/or a few real life attributes of)--Fred Astaire--Gene Kelly--Carey Grant--Patrick Stewart, Logan ("The Lucky One"), Rick("The Mummy"), Harry Potter(I swear it isn't only because I'm a Potterhead), Rhett Butler ("Gone with the Wind") and Colonel Brandon ("Sense and Sensibility")