You read that correctly, man-giene, is what the more fashionable men of our world subscribe themselves to every day of their lives. It is an all encompassing way of life and not an annoying hygienic afterthought and this is what sets them apart! To you gentlemen, on behalf of the women of the world, I thank you! Thank you for understanding that the extra thirty minutes you take is not only beneficial and wonderful, but it is also a sign that you take care, thought and pride in to how you present yourself to the world.
I can't tell you how many uncontrollable and natural head turns have been awarded to these gentlemen because (we can actually tell) you took time to make sure that you were ready to leave your house; say to the world "here I am" and meet it with your best foot forward! We can see that you moisturize your body, coiff your hair, wear deodorant, brush your teeth and perfectly apply your cologne. You steam out your pocket squares and ties (which you can tie in Windsor and trinity knots), polish your shoes, trim your facial hair (I love full/Van Dyke beards and handlebar mustaches), and wear tailored suits. Even on your causal days your outfits are event appropriate, and you coordinate not only your colors but your patterns, perfectly.
We salute you for being men of both hygienic and fashionable distinction and discernment! You are all too few and far between. We appreciate you taking the extra step instead of being like Joe Blow down the street who considers it good to shower twice a week, looks like he rolled in an ash bin, and wears his pants under his butt cheeks! Thank you for understanding that a man who cares for himself commands respect and consideration on a level that far surpasses those who do not. Thank you for giving us a reminder and an opportunity to admire the gentlemen you are for it is truly refreshing to our senses.
Although this little post has its fair share of humorous quips, I am most sincere in my appreciation as I am sure all women are! Please continue the "good fight", continue to show this world that there are gentlemen like you left, for we most desperately need it. Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
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