Passion--Beautiful--Seductive--Addictive--Enthralling--Passion. I have come to know Passion as not just a product of lust or Love, but an entity that can exist quite naturally (and unexpectedly) between two individuals that connect on a level that is more emotional--spiritual--than physical. And as the connection differs so does the level and kind of Passion that is born from it. There is the Passion that is sweet, spicy and swift--born from lust and half hearted promises. Or even the Soft passion which is like a brook or stream. Cool, smooth, slow, and deliberate. It can swell to overflow its banks and carves its existence into the earth, patiently--leaving its mark.

Then there are the more substantial and devastating Passions. Like the Passion that Burns with a white hot blaze--everlasting--eternal--inescapable. It is a passion that consumes reason and is fueled by longing. It never fades, nor can it die, but eternally burns as bright as the northern star. There is also the passion that Drowns with warm, enveloping waves--constantly churning--pulling. It is equivalent to a "beautiful death", enveloping--languid--decadent to a degree. Yet, one should not count out the passion that is Molten--hot--slow--yet devastating. It flows deep within the surface, but when it breaks free, it decimates all in its path. And these passions are just scratching the surface of the different kinds that exist!
How much do we underestimate--not comprehend--abuse (romantic) passion? We refrain; try to control or manipulate it; sometimes deny and run from it as well; but when it catches us in its clutches we truly see how powerless we are in its wake. Never disregard or underestimate passion. I encourage everyone to throw themselves into it, even if it is only once. Let it wash over you, consume and fill you. Let it entrance, entice and enthrall you. Let it exist as it is meant to--feel the pureness and greatness of it. Even if it is only once--do it. Throw caution to the wind and flow with it. I guarantee that what you will experience will be more than worth it.
Think on it--until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!
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