Lifesavers--are not just multi-flavored fruity candies--but they are people who are in our lives to do exactly as the title suggest--save our lives. Although all of this may sound a tad dramatic, it isn't. Honestly, don't we all need Lifesavers in our lives? They are the ones that help us to maintain perspective; keep us from slipping over the edge, and help us to keep our heads above water when we are tired of treading through the waves. And the best thing about it is that we don't ever have to ask. Lifesavers jump right in without a second thought--as soon as they see you floundering, slipping, or falling they are right there to help keep you where you need to be.
I thank God everyday for the Lifesavers that he has brought into my life. I wouldn't be where I am without them. In retrospect, when I think about everything that I have experienced in the past three decades, without Lifesavers I would not be the 'Marissa', that I am today. Although, I am sad for the Lifesavers who were not meant to be around for a
lifetime, I have found that no matter how long my Lifesavers are here each
one of them has helped me to survive and grow. And for that I am truly and eternally grateful.

To every family member, best friend, friend (or what have you) I want to say thank you. Thank you for the late night conversations, hugs and support; thank you for your kindness, tears and protection; thank you for your honesty, laughter, and hand holding; thank you for your encouragement, acceptance, thoughtfulness and sacrifices. Thank you for being there when I needed you. Thank you for not letting me walk this life alone; thank you for loving me through the hurt, pain, trials, anger and negativity. Thank you for inspiring and helping me to heal and grow. Thank you for being who you are, for in doing so you helped me to become who I am.
I believe everything happens for a reason, that people are in our lives for a reason. And sometimes we forget to say 'thank you', but life is too short to forget something so necessary and simple. I wanted to take time to say, 'thank you' to all of my Lifesavers; my kindred spirits; my soul mates; my loves; my friends; my family for you are the people who make up my world and without you I would be a lone island in the midst of the raging sea of life.
I hope you all take time to tell your Lifesavers thank you and to remember how people have blessed your life. Until another time I wish you all Love and happiness of the truest kind.
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