So, I know that I am rather late to the party, but I finally pushed Cloud Atlas up on my Netflix list and dove into it this weekend. If I am to be perfectly honest, which I prefer, I have watched it more than once (or twice, or thrice) and it isn't because I couldn't follow or understand it. (And no, I didn't read any spoilers). I have watched it multiple times because every time I do I find something new within the lines. Truly I have enjoyed it (ever so much more than Hunny did) and am dying to get my hands on the book (because we all know that the book is always sooo much better than the movie).

The very concept of Cloud Atlas should make one stop and think. I had a serious moment of introspection after watching this movie the first time, which deepened with every viewing since. I do believe in Karma, most sincerely and with every fiber of my being, I do. Tom Hanks' characters in this movie (to me) were the epitome of how black karma can effect life--constantly rippling out--until it is (hopefully, after sometime,) negated. I see people in my every day life who are building up undeniable black karma with their cruelty; hatred; and unjust ways and I can't help to wonder how can they not see--not feel--what they are doing or the consequences of what they have done. Can they not feel the imbalance they are causing within their environment, let alone themselves?
What if, in our world, Rebirth was not a question but a fact. What if we knew that every decision, every choice that we make now would have an effect on our rebirth--on our future lives. Would we make the same decisions, choices, that we made before? Or would we strive to be better people and would our efforts be sincere or would they simply be made to better our futures? It makes one stop and think. It made me stop and think. And not just about our choices and Karma, but the people in our lives as well. Those people who are Kindred Spirits; Soul Mates; and Heart Beloveds. Those who we meet, know, love and learn from--the same ones who come into our lives that we feel as though we have known forever or have a connection with them that resounds from the deepest parts of our soul. The people we can't live without; the ones that complete us--make us feel whole; the friendships, family and lovers that seem meant to be and an undeniable part of us that we never knew we needed until we had them in our lives--our hearts.

Yes, a lot of introspection was born from this movie and I found that I had to agree with Frobisher and Sonmi, "I do believe there is another world after this, a better world"...and "I see it as a door opening...". What that world will be like--I can only imagine--exactly when I will reach it, I don't know. But, I hope to see you there. Until another time, I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
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