I don't desire to go back to the fifties but there are certain attributes that were more common place then, that I wish were common place now! Having a gentleman who walks with you on the inside of a side walk or street keeping you away from traffic; opens doors (and I mean all, car doors included); pulls out your chair; says 'please' and 'thank you'; notices something nice about you; I mean go study Carey Grant movies if necessary because (and do trust me) we are missing it! When you really think about it, don't you want to be all of those things?
If gentlemen are a dying breed then it is high time for a revival (or even a Renaissance of sorts)! We need our men back! And not guys of empty words and broken promises, but men of honor, truth and action. We need men we can trust, stand beside, give our hearts to, who will be protectors and providers of us and our families. We need men who want so much more than a nice car, pretty condo and designer labels. C'mon guys, wake up--grow up--don't you want better for yourselves--for your lives? These are just questions and y'all have the answers, so I guess we will all have to wait and see.
I do have hope for our guys--hope they will come to understand and remember what has been forgotten. Well until another time I wish you all love and happiness of the truest kind.
A good read. They do exist, but are fading fast. Even the ones who try to do this need a reminder from time to time. Not that it's an excuse, but the world has pushed men towards something different. It is up to us to push back.
Phillip, (it has been a long time, little brother) you are right, men need to push back. They need to reclaim themselves and stand steady--strong--in who they are and want to be. We need a revival and you are the kind of Gentleman to encourage and lead others unto a more enlightened and mutually beneficial path. Thank you, for your comment!