Well--we have made it through Spring Fever and Summer Madness (Thank God) and we are now (finally) in the middle of my absolute favorite Season--Autumn! Autumn blesses us with lovely weather; boots; long walks through golden leaves and cuddling in front of the fire place (to name a few of my favorite Autumn hobbies)! There are so many lovely things about Autumn and to top it all off it is my first Autumn with Hunny (double the cuddle time)! And along with all the cuddling, bonfires, hikes, (etc.) burns the brighter than average flame of romance (at least for me). I don't know what it is about Autumn, but it puts me in a hyper-romantic mood, but--hey I love it (and Hunny isn't complaining either)! And lucky for me Hunny doesn't mind going along for the ride (or on occasions "driving")!
I mean Romance is as mutable as Love--it varies from person to person. Example: One person may find Game tickets to see their favorite team play their biggest rivals romantic; while another may find a long hike to the top of a mountain at sunrise the most romantic thing ever. This is why it is very important to get to know your partner and discover exactly what is Romantic for them. I am happy to share that I am very lucky because my Hunny loves me enough to not only understand and learn what is Romantic to me, but to actually do it. I will full out (and proudly) admit that I am a quirky woman. And the other day, I wanted nothing more than to have my hair washed. I have never asked Hunny to do it before, but for some reason that is what I wanted. Hunny--being the awesome boyfriend he is actually took the time to do it for me. He didn't grumble or gripe and to top it all of he took his time and was caring-gentle and diligent. He asked if I was comfortable with the temperature of the water; how I liked it washed and even if I wanted anything specifically done. I can not begin to tell you first--how soothing and comforting it was for him to wash my hair, but also how very loved, cared for and special I felt that he would happily take time to do this for me.

It may seem silly to some, but there was an intimacy and thoughtfulness in every stroke of his hand--every finger along my scalp that turned me into a great-gooey-girly mess. I was absolutely blissful and content (way less stressed) by the time he finished (he could have asked for the moon and I would have probably given it to him--don't tell him I told you that, though) and I even returned the favor most happily (but I love playing in his gorgeous hair (and he loves when I do too) anyway). Honestly, sweet thoughts and actions--little things that make me feel special--are very Romantic to me. Tying my shoe when it is untied; flowers just because you knew they would make me smile; my favorite junk food after I have had a tough day so you can binge and veg out with me; long walks together; a note on my pillow to say you love me; making me lunch and bringing
it to my job; surprising me with a day at Tallulah Gorge hiking out to
waterfalls or bird watching; an unexpected present (book, movie, perfume, etc.) just because you saw it and thought of me; or even turning off the phone and snuggling up and playing board games and watching movies with me--for me these things are romantic and special. Romance isn't just about money or fancy dates and vacations--being Romantic or creating Romance can and SHOULD be an every day thing.
Romance--being Romantic--is more about thoughtfulness and taking time to turn thoughtfulness into action, than anything else. I have an "Autumn Bucket List" and even though there was a groan from Hunny when I sent it to him after a chuckle he agreed and I can't wait to spend time making new memories with him--trying new things--and enjoying this gorgeous Season! Day or night when we get the opportunity to have "firsts" together--hold each others' hands and do something different or special I feel loved and cherished and it is so romantically-wonderful that I get all giddy and joyous just thinking about it. My Romance isn't your type of Romance. And even if there are similarities there will probably be more differences than not! I am just so very lucky that my wonderful Hunny loves me enough to share in these moments and indulge in some of my quirkier requests. So very lucky that my happiness and my sense of Romance being fulfilled is as important to him as his is to me.

I truly wish that everyone will find that person who holds your happiness above theirs and strives to do everything within their power to make you happy! There is a beautiful and comforting feeling that comes from that kind of love. And when you add in the fulfillment of your kind of Romance to that beautiful and genuine love--it is like homemade icing with strawberries on top of the cake! Well, that is all I have for now. I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind!
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