After having a fantastic lunch and a wonderfully in depth conversation with my dear Finess, I feel a little more at ease within myself. One should thank God for friends blessed with caring hearts and solid wisdom. I believe we should all endeavor to surround ourselves with good people, friends, who help us to see outside ourselves and gain a better understanding (or perspective) of who we are (or situations we are going through). It is a wonder that I ever forget that a solid and open conversation can lighten the load of ones heart, mightily. Something that important or essential should be at the forefront of one's mind, always.
As it is we had a deliciously relevant conversation that touched on many things, but she gave birth to a moment of retrospect of a terribly serious nature(well maybe not terribly serious...), quite unexpectedly. On my drive back home, with The Lumineers softly playing in the background and the flash of inconsistent street lights jumping into the windows of my car, I thought about how right she was about having the wrong people in your life. Family, co-workers, friends, acquaintances, lovers, boyfriends, no matter the title if a person is wrong for you or your life then it is time for a change. How can you prosper, how can your blessings find you, when there are people (who mean you no good what so ever) standing in the way. I mean after all they are, meaty blockades, so busy causing mischief, discord and/or dissension that you become entirely too busy (trying to maintain some kind of peaceful accord in your life) to hear the holy whisper of God in your ear.
Should any one of those meaty blockades be immune to the subsequent changes of this bit of retrospective enlightenment? Would I not be sacrificing not only the beauteous possibilities of my future, but my very happiness as well (even if it is a little bit)? When it comes to my happiness I rather feel like a general in the midst of war and I declare that it is no holds barred! Why should I take prisoners or make alliances with those who have already proven their worth (or lack there of)? I do believe that there is some merit to this tactic. Maybe I should pull out my (figurative) combat boots and military fatigues and suit up. Start seriously kicking butt and forgetting names. After all if my happiness and future is at stake, why would I do anything else (or less for that matter)? Oh how way leads onto way, from retrospect to reassessment to rejuvenation. I truly thank God for friends like these, and the unexpected enlightenment that is born from conversations...
~ Marissa
We are two women wanting to make a difference--two friends--sharing one blog; that we hope will encourage everyone to live on a higher level and find their own greatness! We have a desire to inspire our generation back to the former glory of the generations that came before us. But, most importantly to let others know even though our journeys are different, we are never alone! So--We invite you to rise with us by opening your minds and hearts! Happy Reading!
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