You see I dream--frequently--deeply, sometimes in too much detail and at other times things feel so real that I wake up in a state of surreal dissatisfaction as though my dreams were my reality and my reality nothing more than a dream. (Kind of inception-esque) Confusing, I'm sure to some, but for those who have been there I am sure you understand. And the fact that I, nine times out of ten, remember what I dreamed makes this pondering all the more relevant. How frighteningly wonderful would that be? How much more credit would we give them, how much more important would they be to us; if we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were more than our over active imaginations running wild? Would lives be lived differently, changed drastically? For that matter would I change drastically if my dreams were more than mere imaginative figments that carry me through my REM cycles?
All of these pressing questions could have been born because of the new year. You see, there are new decisions to be made--steps to take--experiences to have--and with so much at stake amidst a glorious new beginning, these are questions that I am asking myself once more. Especially when I had a dream about a life I have yet to see, but it is the life I desire--the life I am striving to build. And having a detailed glimpse of my hearts desire apparently achieved, how can I not stop and wonder--hope--that they are more than bits and pieces of this and that. My heart is starting to believe it is so much more. And with this hope, though partially groundless it may be, I feel a renewed resolve. There is a confidence and surety, that I hadn't realized I was missing until recently, that had finally found its way back home. I am reveling in the solid confidence I feel and subsequent happiness that had arrived along with it.
I feel that I have come alive again. Like a phoenix, and I am so excited I can hardly contain it. NO MORE HESITATION! My time for resting is over and it is time for me once again to take it all on. Life feels as though it has been laid out before me in all of its splendor for me to grasp with both hands and I am so ready. I AM SO READY to make these dreams come true!
Whatever they are made of; whether their purpose is great or small indeed, I welcome them. What have your dreams brought to you? What do they mean to you? I pray that you find your answers or at the very least begin to give thought you them. Until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!
Whatever they are made of; whether their purpose is great or small indeed, I welcome them. What have your dreams brought to you? What do they mean to you? I pray that you find your answers or at the very least begin to give thought you them. Until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!
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