As of late--I have had a lot on my heart and mind. For the past month there has been so much weighing heavy upon my very soul and for a long time I couldn't understand why. That is when I had to take a step back. I needed to breathe and move out of the fog that had started to fill my life. I needed to reevaluate and reconnect with myself for I had lost myself along the way. And as I crossed the barrier of doubt and uncertainty--certain things have become very clear.

We are broken. Not all of us, but most of us. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing in some cases. Consider how a diamond is born--through fire and pressure and darkness. Think of how it is carved from the earth and processed by artisan hands shaping and refining it into a gem worthy of wear and repute--into one of the hardest and strongest gems in existence. Think of just how long it takes to get one practically perfect diamond? You see we ARE very much like diamonds. Some of us are still in the rough and others slowly (if not already) being refined. And yet, unlike diamonds we have a choice.
It is funny that when it comes to brokenness it differs very much between men and women. I know, unfortunately, so many women who have been broken. Some by family--others by "friends"--most by men they have loved and a few of the most ill-fated, by all three. The thing about it is that the majority of them, despite their "brokenness" and dark histories, like Phoenixes have risen from the ash and burn more brightly then ever before. They have learned the hard truth that we are our own worst enemies and that Love is NOT enough. And yet, they are determined to not let the pains, sorrows, and experiences of the past deter them from being Good women and having a brilliant and joyous future.

And yet, the men that I know who are broken as well--do not fair the same. Many of them seem to be unable to process their pain or leave their past behind them. Instead of learning from the mistakes of others and the negative effect they have experienced because of them--they continue the cycle. They hurt those they claim to love without hesitation and to add insult to injury they don't truly apologize nor do they try to become better; instead they use the excuse of their past as the reason why they "don't know better" or "can't help it". It is discouraging, disgusting, frustrating, maddening, saddening and laughable all at once. It makes me beg the question: How can you be sincere in your love or affection; in your promises to protect and support others when you can not even give yourself those things?
I just want to scream and shake them and MAKE them realize that they are killing the fire of their souls and destroying those that love them the most in the process. Because they do not wish to take a step and a stand; because they are in love with the negativity and pain they have become so familiar with--protect themselves with--they are perpetuating brokenness and pain in a way that is dishonorable and deplorable. We are here on this earth to HELP each other and LOVE each other, not to inflict pain--not to destroy hope--not to smother love. And yet, because they lack the courage to face their pasts they will never understand how dangerous they are to themselves AND others.

I say it all the time, but it is a truth I have come to know and to know it well. For I, like many, have a past littered with pain and darkness and sorrow and sadness and yet, I do not turn away from the light of the sun. I do not look behind me for I know my future is ahead. I REFUSE to cause or inflict on others that which I have experienced myself. And after many years of struggle and doubt and questioning. I found my voice, my purpose, my meaning. I know Who I Am and What I Want and I will stand for myself because I know that if I can not stand for myself--protect myself--how can I do the same for those I love? And because of what I have gone through I know for a fact that Happiness comes from inside of us. It is a choice! It isn't an easy one, but it is the RIGHT one. I want a happy life full of beautiful memories and wonderful people. I want to experience the gift of living and existing in this world! I want to LOVE wholly and completely someone who can and will give me what I offer in return 100%; someone who GETS IT and UNDERSTANDS; someone who is on the same page as me! I will NEVER let my painful past determine my future. I will NEVER let it make me forget who I am or what I have learned or deter me on my journey. I will NEVER use it as an excuse because it would be a great disservice to myself and a betrayal to the woman I am determined to be.

Every thing in life is a CHOICE. Either you will be brave enough to make the hard choices so that you will be able to live better lives and be better people or you won't. There is nothing wrong with being broken--a lot of wonderful people wouldn't be who they are without a trial by fire. But, it is wrong if all you do is hold on to the broken pieces and use them as a reason as to why your life will never be full. Like I said before--I am a broken woman, but I am also one of the Phoenixes that have risen from the fire and ash. So, I ask you (if you are broken) to consider who you are and who you want to be. Will you make the choice to take that difficult journey into healing and happiness or will you always find a reason to stay where and how you are--faking happiness when you truly don't even love yourself (and if you don't love yourself how the hell can you love anyone else)?
I know, my Lovelies, this isn't a usual post, but I had to write what was on my heart. I truly do wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.