Finess asked me one day, "Why is it that good people have to struggle so hard, for so long?". At that time we actually had a long conversation about it. That, as I said, was a little while ago, but I woke up the other morning asking myself the same questions. Maybe it is because of all the things happening in my life or maybe it is because I know what is going on with others. Either reason I was rehashing this conversation, but this time I was asking God.

And with all of my questions, frustrations, stress and exhaustion swirling within me like a tornado I received my answer (in the form of a question). It was simply, "Would you be who you are if you did not struggle or suffer?" One quiet question in rebuttal (from the tiny voice within my soul) stopped me dead in my tracks. Would I be who I am without it? Honestly--and most assuredly--I would not. I don't know who I would be, but I wouldn't be me. Like a diamond in the rough being refined through fire, so am I in my life (so are we all).
So I will continue "the good fight" because I know it is for a reason. I trust that there will be a better tomorrow and I have to struggle through this so I will be ready. Remember Lovelies that we shall over come and be all the better for it in the end! Until another time I wish you love and happiness of the truest kind!
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