I don't know how many of you have actually watched the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love but if you haven't I highly recommend it. Especially for guys. In all (and to most women--appalling) honesty I have never been a real Ryan Gosling fan (no, not even after the Notebook) until that movie. Maybe it is because in this day and age I believe that every guy (and girl) needs a friend(s) like Gosling's character, Jacob, to have them when the chips are down--be honest with them and bring them back into reality.

I know that I would be lost without my girls. They are trustworthy, genuinely wonderful, supportive and honest. They are great sound boards when I need feed back and will support me unfailingly. I love that when I forget to see the big picture (because I am so bogged down with the nonsense that inevitably will and does happen in life) they help to keep me on track. They are my wolf pack. (Aren't you just loving all of my movie references?) And on occasions where we get to go out and "howl" at the moon together it is always so much fun and memorable (no drugged marshmallows or lost nights in Vegas--yet). They are always willing to help even when they aren't asked. If they see or know that you need a "pick-me-up" they are going to do it and without hesitation.

They offer shoulders to cry on; threats of bodily harm to the "wrong doer(s)"; an endless supply of sweets when necessary; and even a practically endless supply of laughs as is apropos and effective enough to lift the saddest of hearts. I would be remiss if I didn't pay homage to the women who walk boldly by my side in this adventure called life; if I didn't thank them for always being so incredibly amazing every moment of every day because that is just who and how they are. Thank you, my Great and Wonderful Wolf Pack of amazing Sirens. From the very depths of my heart--thank you--for you help me more than words will ever be able to convey.
Well, I think this is more than enough mushiness from me for one day!
Until another time I wish you all Love and Happiness of the truest kind.
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