As my lovely counterpart is experiencing an adventure with compatible love,Life has also shined on yours truly! I am on my own journey, but with complimentary love. But unfortunately, I, just like most women, have to overcome past fears and insecurities to truly appreciate the season of becoming smitten.
Throughout my 24 years I have come across some real scumbags. Onespretending to be nice and one who I knew were not for me, but I still datedanyway. It has been a very long road to get the point where I know how I shouldbe love, and will not settle for less. With that being said, I have prayed andprayed that I would meet a nice guy, one who makes me smile even when I’mupset, who wants to hold me till fall asleep, who understands me and my crazy,who full heartedly just wants to be with me, the real me!
Now I know my list is very hard to come by, but I desire true love, and that’swhat true loves looks like! Here’s the kicker, even if I received this lovethat I want, if I don’t take the time to heal, really heal, from all the wrongrelationship I’ve had in the past, I will never be able to appreciate thislove, let alone give it back.
So how do you get rid of any fears and insecurities? You face them head on,fist a blazing, guns cocked and load, ready to fight to the death, because inessence, if you do not win the battle, your love will NEVER survive. This fightmay look differently for every woman, but mine is a test of willpower betweenmy heart and brain. No matter how I feel about a man, my mind will come up withevery reason it can think of to make my heart believe things that it knows isnot true. Bummer, right!!! And I have to stand between the two and figure outwho is actually telling the true! My sure fire method to seeking the truth is to:step back from this internal battle, be objective, remember that I am loved bythe Most High, and remind myself that no matter the outcome, I will find mylove one day if not today! But doing those simple steps, I see the truth ofwhat I am feeling. I connect to the Creator and all my fears and anxiety just melt away.
No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but allowing those mistakes keepus from our blessing and future is an even bigger mistake to make!!! So I urgeall my beautiful sister to learn to cope with your past, move on, never stopfighting for what you want in life!(even if you have to fight yourself to getit) Wish me luck, we really like him!
Till Next Time,
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